Reviews for Indomitable |
![]() ![]() Why not just kill/banish him? Seems kinda EASY if you can seal him.. Another "plot device"? |
![]() ![]() Itiachi is a "temper tantrum" in comparison, he could WIPE OUT THE HYUUGA and not break a SWEAT! |
![]() ![]() I FAIL to see, why ANY of this secrecy is necessary... Pein blows the whole village to hell in ONE MOVE... Menma does the same thing... There is no point in trying to hide ANYTHING anymore... He's S-rank.. A GOD basically..All the other stuff has to fall by the wayside, because he DOESN'T NEED IT ANYMORE! Who exact;y is a threat when he can tear apart hidden villages with a SINGLE move? Then it's more AVOIDING his wrath and "STAYING OUT OF THE WAY" that everyone else is gonna do. S-ranks are KAGES, or ABOVE.. NOBODY and I MEAN NOBODY wants to mess with them. |
![]() ![]() The other think with tsunade and naruto, Who EXACTLY does there need to be proof FOR? With danzo? I mean there ARE NO COURTS OF LAW, no nothing, so whom exactly are they needing "PROOF" for anything? |
![]() ![]() If naruto is an S-rank, who exactly does it MATTER if "the old men on the council want my death".. COULDN'T he kill them all? EASILY... Even the hyuuga.. as long as he left NO LIVING WITNESSES, then there is really nothing they could even say. You don't have to do a "dark naruto" but one that just DOES WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE... In these cases? It seems kinda obvious. Who's gonna know he did ANYTHING if nobody is BREATHING after? (If your going to to do an ATROCITY, or GENOCIDE, make sure nobody walks away from it!) |
![]() ![]() The concept of that "seal" is IDIOCY, all an enemy has to do is a seduction or a genjutsu, knock her out and then... WELL lets just say it's MORONIC, and it makes the eyes INCREDIBLY easy to "steal". That's not protecting them, it's giving ANYONE a MUCH, MUCH easier way of getting them. |
![]() ![]() "it's been three years and we still don't know"...blah blah... With a CLAN OF MIND READERS? Also KINDA OBVIOUS, look for chalk-white skin and/or a CONSTANT VACANT expression (they ARE LOUSY at infiltration! I mean, truly...UTTERLY suck!), they are the ONLY ones in the ENTIRE village that display VERY LITTLE EMOTION (everyone else, acts like they are in perpetual HIGH-SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB!) It couldn't be EASIER if they had GIANT neon, FLASHING signs stamped on their foreheads stating "I am root"!) |
![]() ![]() "she must have stopped short of violence"... Why? Violence SEEMS to be the absolutely ONLY language the people of the leaf SPEAK! |
![]() ![]() The chastity seal is kinda overused and REALLY DUMB, I mean an UNSEALED, FEMALE clan heiress that gets KNOCKED OUT EASILY, running around OUTSIDE the village?! Nope, the clan head, LET ALONE THE ELDERS OF THE CLAN (who again in canon HAVE ABSOLUTELY no say in anything and ARE ACTUALLY TOLD AS MUCH by Hiashi!) would NEVER allow their precious "eyeballs" to be stolen so EASILY! They'd just kill her outright before she became a nin. |
![]() ![]() Wow Tsunade acts ALMOST as stupid and whiny as the third. How come, danzo is SUCH a whoop-butt in every story he becomes hokage and these two are SO ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC?! I'd think with Tsunade's TEMPER she wouldn't CARE what anyone said and just do whatever she wanted with her nins ANYWAY. (and just IGNORE others completely. I mean it's not like anyone can REALLY stop her from doing anything. Kages are MORE OR LESS DICTATORS! Add in, that she's PHYSICALLY the most powerful of the sannin.) |
![]() ![]() Actually it never made much sense why naruto was never promoted instantly (considering the "civilian council" doesn't exist in canon). Also why would any IDIOT sign over ANY POWER AT ALL of the MILITARY to a bunch of worthless civilians? That's like asking a waitress to lead solders in a battle! It makes no logical sense! |
![]() ![]() The girl getting all moody about being lonely, what about the two diyamos Naruto saved? I mean koyuki would be with him in a HEARTBEAT, the land of birds girl would be with him in a heartbeat, iserebi practically WORSHIPS him! "I think hinata might still like us"... THAT'S THE UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR! So heck, right there, he's already GOT four girls! The totally emotionally blind thing doesn't really WORK in this one, if he's talking to girls all the time. He should KNOW better now. As for team 7? They were doomed from the jump. They were NEVER really a team. Heck, sasgay didn't speak enough to have been considered anything more then "background noise"... I like to call them "team suicide", because that is the only conceivable reason I can think of to put those three together! It was a lame-brained (poorly thought out) team up. And should be just DUMPED by the wayside now that true natures are known. Also if your planning to do the WHOLE three years, then by the time naruto gets back, sasuke's mind should be ERASED and the snake in his body! (canon naruto was early), so basically by the time he gets back, there is NO "sasuke" to save anymore. Not really a bad thing, since then naruto can concentrate on stuff that matters more, like: the akutski, saving the world, protecting his ACTUAL friends, if he should buy a new trench-coat or if he should wear his hair up or down!(yes, I take hair-styling to be more important then if sasuke lives or dies) |
![]() ![]() Interesting concept... Good pace, but I do question the "seals" thing, Naruto by your estimation is learning "storage scrolls" and "exploding seals".. Tenten had those as GENNIN, (no teacher, no clan affinity)...Naruto is SUPPOSED to have them in his BLOOD and taught by a "master" and be the most FEARED CLAN ON THE PLANET FOR THEM (why they were wiped out)... Shouldn't he, in like a few DAYS be WAY beyond that? If the sharringan can copy any base jutsu upon seeing it, then his bloodline should be able to do just about ANYTHING with seals in just a day or two! (again, his CLAN/village was wiped out, the uchiha were never that big a threat) |
![]() ![]() I still don't see the OBSESSION with wind, yes it was naruto's primary in the first series... But your doing the time gap... And by the end HE HAS ALL OF THEM... Your basically doing ANG near the beginning of season 3(avatar the last air-bender)... Wind should has been mastered and moving on to others.. But at least this one has some "interesting" powers. (heck even Kyuubi is wind/FIRE) Which kinda means naruto BY DEFINITION is too. (then there is that whole LAKE he/it creates for the fight with pein... That's KINDA "water") Your wanting a "strong WEAKLING" or a "weak KICK-BUTT"... Those don't GO together, it's why all the confusion on canon. I'm not sure of the effectiveness of needing top be both the "launcher" of the technique and the "target" of it too.. You'd think that would be a VERY dumb way of learning these things, BUT IT MIGHT BE INSANELY FAST! (not many people can tell you how to angle the guillotine to CUT smoother after it was used on them, after all). |
![]() ![]() You realize that with that very mindset that you have jiriya explaining in the first part of this chapter, that his vision of "PEACE" is UNACHIEVABLE right? If that's what the mindset of "friends" are, then there is no reason to even ATTEMPT to bring peace to their world, because the very thought process predicates that it's impossible! You basically shoot the entire REASON for a "hero" of their world in the foot! The only way FOR "peace" is either, total subjection of will (which the bad - guys are already attempting) or annihilation of EVERYONE and start again "fresh", neither sound like very "heroic" ways of peace do they? You killed the ENTIRE "reason" behind the story, before you even STARTED it! |