Reviews for Indomitable
Guest chapter 1 . 11/22/2019
Well canonically naruto DOESN'T need artifacts.. and bloodlines? He's already got: Being a sensor type, ALL elemental affinities, lava release, boil release, magnet release, yin release and yang release, plus sage chakra and that's BEFORE the six-paths "pump up" gives him yin-yang release. By the end of the series (and that's WITHOUT counting the ink creation, curse seal creation/manipulation and OTHER powers from the tailed beasts *that were never given time*). The MAIN problem is as you said, a LOT of mental deficiencies, PLUS it's really HARD (nearly impossible) to try and gauge when to start the VAST pump up.(and how to keep the climb feasible)
Xeranes chapter 11 . 10/7/2019
I'll actually stop now, after ch10. Seems like a good point in time. I have some ideas where this will go and since there ain't much left, I might ad well have a conclusive imagined ending instead of getting some info on what might be.
Overall... Straight fuckn decent. No work of art, but still a good read. Not complete, but yet, I regret nothing.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/3/2019
Honestly why bother make super!naruto if he’s just gonna spam clones and not be able to fight s ranks properly anyways?
xlebnikow chapter 12 . 8/25/2019
Спасибо вам за ваше творчество, подписался, хоть и понимаю что фик заброшен. Но чудеса случаются! Надеюсь на ваше возвращение к этой работе.
christianthevabalasi chapter 12 . 6/28/2019
Please make more this fic is great I really love it!
ABZB13 chapter 12 . 6/25/2019

If only it wasn't abandoned...
silvernecroguy chapter 2 . 6/20/2019
nitewolf423 chapter 12 . 5/15/2019
Damn I really. Wish you could have finished this
Guest chapter 12 . 4/2/2019
Nice! Awesome story! Shame you stopped writing it, I really liked it.
Hate9 chapter 12 . 3/14/2019
I really enjoyed reading what there is of this. Do you still plan on finishing it?
fanreader18 chapter 12 . 3/4/2019
Nice chapter!
SotV chapter 12 . 12/9/2018
Good story. Powerful Naruto, but not written in a way that’s to cracky.
Mister Hide chapter 12 . 11/6/2018
What a fine fic it is! Very unfortunate that you abandoned it:-(
BENJAMIN chapter 12 . 10/24/2018
continua resta historia es impresionante muy lejos de la original pero entretenida un excelente trabajo el que haces por favor continuala.
TheChairIsAgainstTheWall chapter 12 . 9/27/2018
Finish it! Finish it! Please?

In all seriousness, I like your stuff, and I want to see where you are going with this one.
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