Reviews for Last Rites
desicotton chapter 19 . 12/26/2024
I love how well written this story is. There are a few plot holes but it all ties together. I love seeing a darker side to the Cullens. I love that they met outside of high school. I’m still shook at the confrontation between Seth and Edward. This story was so unique and refreshing.
Emmanddogs chapter 1 . 8/23/2024
I think I also came late to this party, but still
a great story, thank you!
Guest chapter 19 . 1/28/2024
Ha! It's only been 13 years since you updated.
Guest chapter 5 . 1/28/2024
It's "each other," not eachother."
Don't end a sentence with "too" unless you mean "also." Just use "to." ("No one to go home TO.")
And "it's" is the contraction for "it is" or "it has." "Its" is the possessive form. ("IT'S amusing to watch a dog chase ITS tail.")
Dazzlingsparkle chapter 19 . 3/8/2023
Daym! Loved it! Wish there was more though
EtherealWitch chapter 19 . 6/17/2021
oh how I love this! I hope you are okay, do you think you'll update someday?
JoVersify chapter 17 . 3/1/2021
Hey dear... been revisiting fandom fics lately... all this COVID crap, you know? Gotten to revisiting all the old fics that I started and never finished either. Kind of funny how easily I've slipped back into it. Thought perhaps I could inspire you to slip back as well? Maybe give this guy his ending? I'm working on a serious piece that I had never been able to flesh out... takes us on a journey into Edward Cullen's mind over the decades and all he felt and experienced (thirteen journal volumes) and then how his own need to keep his own posterity ultimately ends up binding his fate to Bella. I was aways intrigued by his voice, which was the inspiration for the story in the first place. And with the Midnight sun release, well... yeah, I got the itch to tackle it again. So far it will be titled The Red Books (subject to more creative change). Anyway, hope maybe I can draw you out... even if for one or two more chapters here, and entice you to maybe check mine out... hoping to have something to throw up in a couple weeks. *HEART* ~JO. P.S. Is it super tacky to pitch my own fic in a review for yours? I KNOW it is, but hoping that the decade that has passed from then to now allows for a bit of loosening of etiquette! I will always cherish all of your fics. You have always been on my lists, and were a giant on here.
Artemisbabe chapter 19 . 1/31/2021
This is truly one of the BEST fics I have ever read! I hope that someday you come back to it and complete it... it’s brilliant and beautifully written.
sue1zide chapter 1 . 1/24/2021
I like the way your mind is working with this plot. Looking forward to more.
Steph5625 chapter 19 . 12/28/2020
Oh no, no no no no no hahahaha
I found out this marvelous fanfic and read it all in 3 days and I just realized that is not finished :(
First I hope you are ok and safe. Second I want to thank you for sharing this fic. It’s difficult to find an AU that has an original plot and stills manages to keep the essence of Twilight but in an improved way.
I loved how they met, not in high school. Bella is older, that is always better. And Edward is deathly.
Sending you hugs!
Ticcing Bat chapter 19 . 7/19/2020
update please
Ticcing Bat chapter 19 . 7/19/2020
please upstairs
jack the shmee chapter 19 . 10/21/2019
Still such an amazing fic! Thank you so much for writing and I hope you're well!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/3/2019
"Where were her parents to reign in all the overwrought tendencies?" It's REIN IN. (Think about using a horse's reins to control it.)
Guest chapter 3 . 6/3/2019
You put a LIEN on a house, not a LEAN.
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