Reviews for The Rain Season |
Sunfeathers chapter 4 . 8/5/2009 Oh I LOVE this! I followed a link from Twilighted (can't remember which thread now) and I'm so glad I did! I read all 4 chapters in one sitting - I am intrigued and can't wait for Edward and Bella to grow closer. They obviously feel pulled toward each other, and both have sadness in their pasts. Your writing is excellent, too! The dialogue and descriptions flow smoothly and draw us along ... can't wait to read more! :) |
lynntjax chapter 3 . 8/2/2009 M I for one am not ashamed to say I'm dying to hear what he's got on underneath his kilt! |
Evil Black Poppies chapter 3 . 8/1/2009 Lovelove! It's amazing-I can't wait for the next one to appear in my inbox! |
swings and roundabouts chapter 1 . 7/29/2009 Just thought I'd review, always good! Just to let you know I like it a lot, but you know that. Anyways, I love the idea, very original. :] |
PopsiclesKhimaira chapter 2 . 7/28/2009 A story about beginnings! I am definitely up for that. I like it that she left Jacob back (does that make me cruel?) and that se is going to a different and new place than where we, or at least me, have imagined Bella to be. I just have two requests if possible: Please do tell us more about life in Scottland as you live it everyday, I wouldn't mind places, food, everyday stuff, and also please let us know how Bella builds this "new life". I like all that stuff about how people build up the courage to change and go through the process, it is enlightening and interesting I think. It would build a nice personality for Bella, don't you think? I don't think I have to talk about Edward yet because he seems to be the saviour again ;). Maybe next chappie we'll see? |
Evil Black Poppies chapter 2 . 7/27/2009 Okay good, a little confusing at points but that's all okay. I remembered you saying that you had problems with Edward's POV and Edward for me is the easiest to write-so I'll help you with that part. 8] |
Evil Black Poppies chapter 1 . 7/27/2009 Alright, the basic structure of your grammar are down pat there are just a few things like dialogue that need to be worked out. I'm excited to see where you'll be taking this. |