Reviews for Say When
Seteney chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
the plot is great, the beginning promising and as always I'm itching to read more from you... But just one little thing...

Please don't make a love triangle this time. Even when it's one sided you had me go all "NO she's gonna move on and marry Genma and have sex with him and be all bitter with Sasuke for years!" in Waking to You. In missioning with you the part when Sakura leves with Neji to the party? It was just before a physics exam. No morale left for that.

I'm not a lunatic and I'm not lying. I'm just, incredibly emphatetic - or something. Kineticfairy almost killed me with the damn NejiSaku twist once. I hated every name that resembled Marionette. Just, when you said it was alot more angsty and sexual, well I kinda started fearing.

I mean, I think that thinking Sakura's love for Sasuke was not real is an insult to her and even the concept of love in many ways. So when I read stories that make Sakura sleep with half of Konoha, or even one, I usually get... sad. Depressed. Yea I'm a lunatic. And probably a fanatic.

But please if there's anything resemling "moving on" or such a triangle, well, ban me from reading this. Seriously. For my mental helth and my SATs. Please don't think I'm kidding...
similar chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
This plot is unbelievable! I don't think I've read something like this. Are you going to continue?
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