Reviews for Knife's Edge
Larner chapter 1 . 8/16/2010
A horrific scene, I must say. And Lurtz sees what Saruman did not-that there is yet some compassion in the smith.
Dasz chapter 2 . 8/4/2010
Oh, that was fantastic! It's so nice to see more than one dimension from Tolkien's "generic evil villains." Thanks for a great fic!

...However, you did mention something about an avalanche at the end- any chance there's going to be more orc-centric writings in the future?
ShedragonXXL chapter 2 . 7/22/2010
I have to thank Clodia for recommending this story.

Lurtz' ethical quandary leaves me ashamed: I never gave much thought to the culture and feeling of orcs or Uruk-Hai. Once I wondered if there were any female orcs, but that's about all.

Now I've read your story, I'll ponder on it.

Ah, and I'm convinced: something like the story told in Knife's Edge certainly Must Have Happened!
Winged Knight chapter 1 . 4/23/2010
Very well made. I've always wanted to read a Lord of the Rings story where an orc wasn's quite so bad. Do you plan on detailing the smith's adventures? I do think this is an idea worth continuing.

Keep writing the good ones. I'll keep reading them.
AlleluiaElizabeth chapter 2 . 2/3/2010
Oh, this can't be complete! o.o I mean... its such an awesome concept! Not that this two-shot isn't great, cus it is. Really, it is. :) But now I want more. lol

Like I said, tho, this WAS really good. I really really like this concept. :)

I wonder, did you chose the smith and the crafting with care and love as the sign of this edger b/c of anythign in particular? I ask that b/c, when Saruman found the weapons in that scene, what he described made me think a lot of the Elves/Noldor and how they always had a love for crafting things. And, I don't know if you have read the silmarillion or not, but Orcs ultimately originally descend from elves who had been kidnapped and their forms twisted. So, I was wondering if you made the edger a smith and focused on his weaponcraft b/c of that connection. Like maybe the human blood wasn't only bringing about something new, but posibly unlocking something old, too.

... I prolly really over thought that. lol

But yeah, I really enjoyed this fic. :) chapter 2 . 11/9/2009
Wow. Love the concept, love the execution. I've always thought orcs were rather unfairly relegated to the 'stupid, evil henchmen' category and it's great to see you blow that out of the water. As another reviewer mentioned they were once Elves, and now with the added influence of Men, I'm not surprised Saruman was paying close attention to his little eugenics/selective breeding program.

I love the way the Smith sublimates his good urges into the more acceptable careful craftsmanship of weapons and even the mercy blow. This last immediately made me think of that scene in the movie where Lurtz stands before Boromir with his bow drawn, and it makes you wonder whether it really was going to be the triumphant killing blow it seemed to be, or whether the rolling stone was already picking up speed.

By the way, the ending paragraph was absolutely outstanding - short and simple, yet poignant. The only thing that would be better would be if you wrote more about the Smith. Hint, hint. *smiles hopefully*
switchitt chapter 2 . 10/13/2009
thank you very much! everybody talks about orcs as if there evil but nothing is completely evil.
The Lauderdale chapter 2 . 10/5/2009
Being invariably drawn to villains, I was interested in Orcs when I read the books, but there is no denying the huge impact that the movies have had on their perception and growing appeal. I was THRILLED to see you added to this, and am interested to see where you go next. Yes, I know this piece is complete in itself, but you wouldn't mention an avalanche if you didn't have something further in mind...would you?

I loved all of it, even the part from Saruman's POV (I say even because I heartily dislike him): recognizing craftsmanship, and diagnosing it as love.
Clodia chapter 2 . 9/24/2009
Oh dear, ethical quandaries cannot end well. And did not. Reluctance overwhelmed by self-preservation, that makes sense. The scene with Saruman too is excellently done. I love the contrast, Lurtz pondering ethics and self-preservation vs Saruman viewing the perfect, unthinkingly obedient Orc. And then sending the smith on his way, not so obedient after all. I would love to read about the avalanche!

Thank you very much!
echobaby chapter 2 . 9/23/2009
Very interesting concept. I enjoyed reading this very much.
Emily chapter 1 . 8/10/2009
Really good. Made me think. Nice idea! : )
Virtuella chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
Kudos for tackling this disturbing topic! The whole question of orc is a vexing one. How can there be a whole species that is innately beyond redemption? And wouldn't there be traces left in them from their elven ancestors? (How the genetics were supposed to work there anyway is another question...) How can a sentinent creature develop without any kind of attachment? It's all very unsatisfactory. You've very wisely not tried to answer those unfathomable questions here, but given us a tantalizing glimpse into the whole tricky mess. Well done.
Burnt Sierra chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
Well, this is a nice surprise!

Fascinating story as well. A fine example of a "what if" scenario given life and depth, with that philosophical edge you do so well.

What you do so, so very well though is characters. Out of all the authors I have read on this site - and many other sites, writing workshops, and several published novelists - you have a real talent for bringing characters to life. Even in a short segment like this, with a tone that's slightly distant and observatory, Lurtz, Saruman and the Smith are brought to the forefront with consumate ease. A phrase here, a facial movement there, an observation noted but not proclaimed there.

You make it look so, so easy. A talent I tell you. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
The Lauderdale chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
I liked that. V. much. I noted the introduction of the smith, thought it was interesting the attention paid him in the narrative, and then to realize at the end that he was another "edger" was a pleasant twist. Of course the ending leaves us with a disquieting question: Lurtz Knows. So what does he think/do about it?

Nice as a one-off (I am not averse to loose ends: they can be very flavorful), but if its the beginning of something longer, I'm eager to see the answers to those questions.
Radont chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
I like it. I had never thought of this before but you have made it quite convincing that it could happen. As usual, I forget that I am reading fan fiction whenever I read something by you. Keep up the excellent work, I'll be looking for the next chapter.
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