Reviews for Illegal Contact
twirob chapter 16 . 8/27/2018
AMAZING! story i hope you come back soon to finish it ;D
Twilightaddict2007 chapter 1 . 7/17/2018
Are you going to finish posting this story?
twilight-saga-lover95 chapter 16 . 7/9/2018
So cute! Kind of fucked up that they're doing sexual things at the school while it's a school day, but I still love them! Update soon :)
Guest chapter 16 . 6/21/2018
Why would she let jake in her house. I mean he checks her out, calls her Bella instead of ms. Swan and he not accidentally walked in on her changing. He shouldn't ever be allowed in their house. And I'm not sure but did Edward someone who played in the nfl and understand the need for privacy actually give Jane his number. I'm pretty sure Mrs. Cope got played. Janet's not shy but got Mrs cope to get Edward to ask her out I'm guessing. But Jane needs to be called out on knowing Edward was in a relationship and Edward needs to be told to say no. First he agreed to show Jane around why not Bella or anyone else why the maybe single, hot, rich nfl guy. He should of said no or something. But than if he gave her his number I'm losing faith in him quick. You don't give someone you don't know your number. That's something that's earned especially when your interested in someone.
Guest chapter 16 . 4/10/2018
Loved it!
Atwiggs chapter 2 . 3/27/2018
Liking this already!
ephosi chapter 1 . 3/10/2018
Can you post the ending? Cant wait !
HildysBrassHat chapter 16 . 2/27/2018
Thank you for reposting this story. I enjoyed it, and hope you complete the repost so I can re-read it, and others will be able to appreciate your writhing talent.
Patriciadiane chapter 16 . 2/16/2018
More please
lippy2004 chapter 16 . 1/12/2018
i just loved your storyi hope you finish soon. please update soon
Nicoconsd chapter 16 . 11/30/2017
So glad I found this repost even though it's not complete I feel like we got to a good spot and know that they will end up together. Although I am curious if they end up going to Dallas together or if Edward stays in Forks. :)
Angie229 chapter 16 . 10/30/2017
Love the story. Please finish it.
Romantic spy chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
Please update I really won’t to read the ending.
Anonymous chapter 16 . 10/10/2017
Loved this story!
flanduslover1 chapter 16 . 10/8/2017
I love this and really hope this next step goes well for them..of course there will probably be drama but that's expected especially with Lauren and Jane hating on bella now
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