Reviews for A Series of Unfortunate Events
Hola chapter 22 . 7/31/2024
Hello there, how are you? I really don't know if you still using this site, but I would like to asking something. Is there any way we can talk, I don't know, like an email? Thanks very much. Have a nice week.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/26/2024
Just annoying and pathetic lol,you really think after that snake fiasco with voldemort and all you can actually make slytherins or malfoy look smug or make them look good?lol like I said you're sick :) Teddy's parents were dead because of that snake and its owner which you wrote like a clown
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2024
God this was so fucking annoying,like do you call this shit love?ok so you must seek help cause you're sick in the head mate,what a piece of shit of a fanfic
creativecathy2003 chapter 6 . 11/15/2023
I am loving this Slytherin Malfoy, going round about way to make sure he gets what he wants
ilovedurmstrang chapter 18 . 3/7/2023
I think this has to be my favorite chapter yet. I love the ending part!
ilovedurmstrang chapter 9 . 3/6/2023
“Mum, dad, I’d like you to meet Draco Malfoy.” Awwww!
gooeystar83 chapter 16 . 1/10/2022
This was going so well, but omg, how exasperating! Hermione is so stupid later in this chapter, i feel like slapping her. Draco is clearly, obviously, in love with u! Take a hint, girl! BODY LANGUAGE, BODY LANGUAGE!
bynbkhyns chapter 19 . 9/7/2021
one of my fave fics for sure! i really enjoyed reading this.!
Guest chapter 10 . 2/22/2021
Your hermione is judgemental af.. She's absolutely okay when the guys are good looking but so insecure when other girls are pretty. I know it's your book, you can write her as you wish but it's very difficult to read Hermione as a woman hating on other woman.
Serennos chapter 2 . 1/21/2021
Great laugh!
Dj19 chapter 22 . 12/29/2020
Just two words: thank you! This story is really great, long enough so that we can have a real development! I love the way you write! Continue!
ProngsPadfootandMoony chapter 17 . 11/11/2020
I'm really enjoying this story...
Guest chapter 15 . 11/11/2020
I'm loving this story!
ChocolateIsLife96 chapter 22 . 10/9/2020
What a beautiful story:)
marttapuustinen chapter 22 . 9/21/2020
Thank you so much for this wonderful story, I absolutely loved it! The plot was interesting and flowed nicely, you managed to keep the characters as themselves but still added your own twist to their romance. I laughed (and cried) so much and the ending was absolutely beautiful!
Thank you again for this amazing piece of art!3
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