Reviews for The Outlandish Courtship of Isabella Swan
epicinsanity101 chapter 1 . 8/6/2009
I love love love love this!

The format is really cool. It's like writing an Edward/Bella story without really writing an Edward/Bella. I have to say I liked the parts with Jessica and Lauren the best. They were really funny.

The part with Emmett felt right too. I know how most people write him as the "dumb one", but your Emmett is spot on. I can totally see him as insanely intelligent.

Ah...John Cusack. I will say no more.
noamg chapter 1 . 8/6/2009
Nice, funny, but I'm dissapointed that it's AH I think it'd be even better if you wrote Charlie's imagenary statements-gathering about the canon couple. I don't mean from the pack etc, but regular people around Forks. It'll be interesting to speculate how they would have retionalized all the weirdness.
Holly1980 chapter 1 . 8/6/2009
okay this made absolutly no sense, but I was laughing so hard at the end. I loved it! Such a quirky different take on things. I'll admit, the next time I look at a pineapple or grapes again I'm going to laugh.

Thanks for the fun story!

addisonj chapter 1 . 8/5/2009
Cute story. I like how it is revealed through interviews, each with a distinct voice.

I was wondering if it would turn into that cult film, Harold & Maude, with the funerals & a really old Bella, but it didn't and the fruit is adorable.

BTW, pineapple is a symbol of hospitality.
mexicantt chapter 1 . 8/5/2009
I told you elsewhere that I loved this but it was good enough to bear repeating.

Lauren was hilarious and you made me like her a little more, and I love the line there about grapefruits.

But the ending line was brilliant and this whole thing was funny and I would love to see more perspectives on their weird-ass relationship if you're ever so inclined to write it.
3547805892627482245 chapter 1 . 8/5/2009
Oh man, I love this.
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