Reviews for Withering the Ferns
sunflowerexpress chapter 17 . 7/21/2022
This story is terrific. I can’t wait to read it again
fanfictionalcolic chapter 17 . 4/5/2022
Always so good
Pattigirl23 chapter 1 . 9/30/2021
I loved this story so much! I adore both Bella and Edward, they are funny and sweet. Thank you so much for sharing.
Guest chapter 16 . 2/28/2021
"has seen it's fair share of unkind attention" IT'S is the contraction for IT IS or IT HAS. ITS is the possessive form.

Guest chapter 15 . 2/28/2021
"jaws taught" It's TAUT.
Guest chapter 15 . 2/28/2021
"Edward's face is blanched and taught" It's TAUT.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/28/2021
It always amuses me to read a story where a major character is accused of a crime and can't manage to find a competent attorney to prove his/her innocence. If Edward, a teenager, can manage to figure out his father was framed, why couldn't his father's defense lawyer? If Carlisle believed the lawyer was corrupt, couldn't he have found one in Seattle? It seems early on that money wasn't an issue, so surely he could hire someone to defend him against trumped up charges. I know, I know - drama! But, c'mon!
Yulika chapter 17 . 12/15/2020
The author has a very pleasant slogan, it was easy and pleasant to read, despite some heavy topics. Thank you for this incredible story.
LolaTheSa chapter 3 . 6/28/2020
I so hate it... If someone walks like a duck, acts like a duck.. Must be a duck.. Bella is not a nice person as far as I have seen so the assumptions levied against here aren't off base.
Guest chapter 17 . 5/7/2020
A happy ending and a lot of fun

Thanks for your time
drul chapter 17 . 3/16/2020
Great story! I'm glad someone recommended it!
I couldn’t stop reading it till the end, I wish there were more chapters
Thanks for sharing your work! :)
JustARead chapter 15 . 12/13/2019
Holy shit
JustARead chapter 14 . 12/13/2019
Cock blocker
JustARead chapter 13 . 12/13/2019
Oh shit
JustARead chapter 12 . 12/13/2019
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