Reviews for Snow
obsessedtakerfan chapter 53 . 5/29/2016
Ohoh i love this story, will you continue this? Like, about Jackson and the council or something? I just can't help it, I'm hooked
Burlesque Queen chapter 53 . 7/4/2012
This story was so captivating, I loved every minute of it!
Lady Blackhat chapter 53 . 11/29/2011
Great story! Loved every minute of it!
Pain Syndicate chapter 53 . 10/16/2011
I am sad that this story is over now lol That was a hell of a story, well done as usual!
Ashley chapter 53 . 10/16/2011
Masterpiece story as always.
MusicChiller38 chapter 53 . 10/16/2011
FAN-*******-TASTIC! OMG what a brilliant beyond brilliant story! I absolutely loved it, Mark did everything to make Jamie happy, including making Abby's mother happy so she didn't move to LA. I can't wait for your next one, absolutely OUTSTANDING!
MusicChiller38 chapter 51 . 10/15/2011
Hmmm...Who won't let Celia take her power away? Is it Sterling? Why would he let Jamie keep her power if he's so afraid of her and what she's capable of? I'm having a sinking feeling Steve is behind this...MORE NOW WOMAN! LOVING IT!
Pain Syndicate chapter 50 . 10/12/2011
Shadow things! Love the update!
MusicChiller38 chapter 50 . 10/11/2011
Something else is going on. *narrows eyes* And I wanna know what it is. Is Mark's restlessness causing her sickness with the pregnancy? MORE NOW WOMAN! I GOTTA KNOW!
MusicChiller38 chapter 49 . 9/2/2011
Awww they're finally back and everything can get back to as normal as it can be. Kinda sucks that Jamie is the only one who knows what happened, but I know she's happy all things considered. Now what the hell is with the letter? Also, Mark and Abby are ADORABLE! MORE NOW!
MusicChiller38 chapter 48 . 9/2/2011
:D Does that mean Abby will live with Mark and Jamie? Will they adopt her? Oh man I HOPE SO! Poor Steve :( but he chose his own fate and I honestly believe it was the best decision he could make. Jamie giving up her power...she's one smart cookie. :) LOVING THIS! MOOOOOOOOOOORE!
Pain Syndicate chapter 48 . 9/1/2011
Sweet, glad to see that everything worked out!
MusicChiller38 chapter 47 . 8/31/2011
HAHAHHAHA Hell yeah! Serves them right for snooping where they shouldn't! What the hell does Jamie have planned? OMG woman I can't WAIT to find out! Oh and Steve and Celia seem like they fancy each other...You gotta be back here and post more!
MusicChiller38 chapter 46 . 8/30/2011
Poor Jamie :( Such a hard decision to make, but Steve made several good points about Abby having to lose him again someday if he did return. *sigh* I hope Jamie makes the right decision *coughMarkcough* MORE!
MusicChiller38 chapter 45 . 8/29/2011
I like Celia, but the rest of the council SUCKS! They're scared of Jamie's power and now they're making her decide between the man she loves & father of her child and sending Steve back to Abby. GRRRR I don't like it. I don't like it one damn bit! MORE NOW WOMAN!
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