Reviews for A Litany at Dusk
dearedwardc chapter 7 . 1/9
Oh I LOVE this Tanya!
dearedwardc chapter 7 . 1/9
Oh I LOVE this Tanya!
Rebadams7 chapter 34 . 12/8/2024
Such a power and beauty. You make the words like if you can’t get a snap just a story, but a heartbeat and love in the torment in every line. Bravo
Rebadams7 chapter 15 . 12/7/2024
Well inquiring minds without that sixth sense are wondering…
Rebadams7 chapter 13 . 12/7/2024
A strip club….oh dear Edward. Yikes
Rebadams7 chapter 5 . 12/4/2024
Found via a recommendation on Facebook
Rebadams7 chapter 1 . 12/3/2024
Redemption begins with accepting your sins but letting go is the hard part
Allear chapter 19 . 11/28/2024
This fic is a fantastic piece of argument against capital punishment, pity that it paints abortion as murder. It's NOT.
Allear chapter 1 . 11/27/2024
Why would a vampire be able to smell the looks of someone? Like, from where comes the idea that Asians have a distinct smell? Besides, 4,6 billion people, more than half of the total human population, live in Asia. One would think that it would be quite odd if all of them smelled the same.
supremeloser chapter 32 . 9/3/2024
Im glad they made her get changed right then and there, no reason to put it off and have several more paragraphs of no dialog and just endless self-deprecating thoughts.
supremeloser chapter 29 . 9/3/2024
How did she know his name was Aro if no one told her his name prior to his arrival, and he never introduced himself nor did anyone else say his name…? Smh
supremeloser chapter 5 . 9/2/2024
Eric Northman huh….. sounds familiar lol
SianJohn chapter 34 . 5/17/2023
I've just enjoyed another reread of this wonderful story, and I loved it just as much as I did the first time. Thank you so much for leaving it here for us to enjoy time and time again.
Lisa Williams chapter 34 . 5/13/2023
Dear Duskwatcher, Sometimes I jump back into the Twilight Universe (although really in my heart I have never left Edward) because of the fantastic memories. I love this story you wrote. I asked you to add my much loved and missed brother's name Richard, which you did 20 years and 4 days after we buried him.

The 4 years I was completely immersed in the Twilight Universe will always bring me joy, a bit of nostalgia and some longing. 2010 was probably my favorite year ever. I hope you are well. I hope you are still writing. I hope you still love Edward.

Be well and keep enjoying your life. Lisa
25 chapter 34 . 5/1/2023
I really enjoyed reading this story.
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