Reviews for Why Won't They Leave Me Alone?
Freddie Rindklip chapter 4 . 2/9
The plot thickens. What was the ceremony between H, Hr. N & L?
Shinobi Gatana chapter 8 . 2/3
Really well done
Siriusmunchkin chapter 8 . 1/26
Great story!
MrsFH chapter 8 . 11/26/2024
Loved this story! Thanks for sharing it.
josamen1 chapter 7 . 10/20/2024
guest or maybe Harry and Dobby put in all sorts of eye-watering color combinations and only the head of the Black family can undo them :)

As for the freeze-out of the invading Weasleys I say Harry should've fed them their usual portions on the first night...including the umpteen number of helpings Ron was "requesting"...then have the dessert be made with maltitol instead of sugar : ) ...then have all the toilets in the house except the one that I suspect is en suite in the master bedroom he's using be transfigured into the nastiest smelling chamber pots for them to empty their soon to be sore bums into...chamber pots that, as they step into the bathrooms, already smell like they were used by someone who ingests sulfur and mustard gas for breakfast : )
Nyx Nightmare chapter 7 . 10/13/2024
Poor old Albus, you never really learn, do you, old man? As a former female Slytherin
pureblood student, it is, MY TURN to teach YOU a lesson. This lesson is called RESPECT. No matter
how old, well-known OR famous a person-male or female, wizard or muggle, rich or poor,
is, they cannot DEMAND to be respected. People who DEMAND to be respect, normally have very
big egos and very little humility. Like you. If you SERIOUSLY want to be respected, you have to
eat a slice of humble pie and earn it. Unfortunately, like FAR TOO MANY PEOPLE THESE
DAYS, you think, in your arrogance, that you can MAKE people do as you want. Respect is also about
give and take. If you aren't willing to give people what they desire, they are under NO
OBLIGATIONS to do as you want. Here ends the lesson.
John Maitland chapter 6 . 10/13/2024
I have met manipulative, scheming bastards and money-grabbing, disloyal, treacherous people
like Dumbledore and Ronald Weasley many times, especially in World War 2. I have also gladly
killed such bastards.
Lamorak Korving chapter 5 . 10/13/2024
Nice one, Madam Bones! Dumbledore DEFINITELY needs putting in his place!
Lamorak Korving chapter 4 . 10/13/2024
You never let people make their own decisions, Dumbledore. Is it any wonder Slytherins dislike you,
when you behave like a tyrant? Frankly, you're worse than Voldemort! At least Voldemort was
upfront and honest about his goals. Sadly, the same cannot be said for you!
James Lysander chapter 3 . 10/13/2024
Dumbledore, Molly, Ron and Ginny are 4 of the MOST un-Gryffindorish characters in fan
fiction. You see, Godric looked for 3 important characteristics in his hand-picked students.
And they are: Courage. Bravery. Nobility of Spirit. Dumbledore is just a greedy, scheming,
manipulative bastard, just like Molly, Ron and Ginny. And he's certainly NOT noble.
SvenTheDecoy chapter 2 . 9/16/2024
he didn't have dobby or kreacher on standby? couldn't pretend to go along and then sneak out?
Kai chapter 3 . 9/9/2024
The bracelet is tied to Dumbledore's magic? A solution came into my mind immediately. It's called "Diffindo!" There will be a lot of Dumbledore's blood and none of his magic afterwards.
draco122 chapter 8 . 4/15/2024
Well done
Lamorak Korving chapter 8 . 3/8/2024
The reason why Harry and Hermione were never alone but were always together became crystal-
clear to me in Chapter 3: they were ALREADY MARRIED! I understand that Ginny didn't get it,
but she ONLY wanted him for his money, not for WHO he was. In that respect, Harry saw her as
being EXACTLY like her mum, a money-grabbing harpy. So it's no wonder Harry married
Lamorak Korving chapter 7 . 3/8/2024
YOU SEE, DUMBLEDORE, Harry cottoned onto your plans rather early, so he decided to fight back
against you by making his own plans in secret.
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