Reviews for Gravity
Guest chapter 1 . 4/20
Sa je l'ai vu je me suis toujours demander comment il a pu se blesser comme ça alors qu'il avait dit qu'il était capable un vrai gamin tony
bjq chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
Talktidy chapter 1 . 3/21/2015

Quick, enjoyable read. I liked this.

JENTWCSINYFAN2 chapter 1 . 11/23/2013
That was good just rewatched that episode on DVD today. Nice job with this.
JoaniexJony chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
If there was ever an episode crying out for a tag it was this one! I mean, the guy could barely move as he stumbled away at the end of the show.

Loved this. Your tag was the way the episode should have ended.

Lt. K.C. Trench chapter 1 . 6/16/2010
I enjoyed this. Great job with Gibbs' thoughts!
Net Sparrow chapter 1 . 6/2/2010
A nice Tony-whumping story to one of the few episodes where Tony was hurt. I really enjoy hurt Tony and I enjoyed your story.
onewhowatches chapter 1 . 3/7/2010

that is all that needs to be said. XD


onewhowatches :3
Caos Accidentale chapter 1 . 1/11/2010
I really enjoyed this story! Nice tag to the episode. I especially love the opening bit with Gibbs' initial fear, but that he does 'what's expected' by making light of it. Nice H/C. Love the end. Poor Tony...*smirk*
Hello Anyone There chapter 1 . 9/19/2009
Brilliant story, absolutely fantastic! I felt all the emotions were perfectly portrayed and I loved Ducky's reaction to hearing exactkly what Tony gets up to out in the field. *g*

I can give nothing but praise for this story, so I'll sign out now. Utterly amazing!
Mokibobolink chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
Great story! I really loved how you wrote everyone, and you were totally spot-on with the dialogue. Love Gibbs figuring out exactly what happened to Tony without being told.

scryoko chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
First, I have to squeal about the fact that someone wrote about this scene! I've always wanted to read about it! Yes!

Second? That it's written so very WELL! I absolutely love your take on it. I loved how you implied about how Tony's landing turned out and Gibbs catching him when he fell was... awesome. I'm reminded of that lovely scene in the Season 3 episode "Family Secret" where Gibbs catches Tony before he falls and then I'm led to think of the remark about Tony being Gibbs' loyal St. Bernard and - it's just a happy feeling overall. *hundred watt grin*

And last, but best of all? Your characters - every. Single. One. Of. Them are so very in character I'm like yes. Yes. YES! I love DiNozzo's tough-it-out-yet-laid-back attitude who still seeks Gibbs approval personality (I loved the "ondered when you’d show up, Boss" and the "Ah, well, see, I would’ve if my phone hadn’t fallen into a puddle before I landed on it"), Gibbs gruff-and-subtle-concern-and-amusement, and Ducky! You have no idea how happy I was that he didn't call Tony "Anthony." I get rather frustrated, admittedly, when fanfic writers always seem to portray him as always grandfatherly and with every sentence that comes out of his mouth (when he addresses Tony, for instance), h calls Tony "Anthony." If you actually watch carefully in the show, yes, he has called him "Anthony" but he also calls him "Tony" quite a bit and not to mention, he's also called him DiNozzo too. And, believe it or not, he's also not addressed him at all; just says the sentence without addressing someone. And lastly, about Ducky, people seem to forget his dry remarks.

I think you've got Tony, Gibbs, and Ducky down to a fricking capital T and I love you for it. Awesome.
Carmine Taylor chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
This is adorable.
StarvingScriptWriter chapter 1 . 8/26/2009
I absolutely loved it! Nice ending - I hate it when they completely ignore an injury or something like this - always want to see the sympathy that the character should have received from his team... well done!

NickTonyK chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
Love it! Very good ending. Hope you have more Tony stories soon!
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