Reviews for Magician's View |
Victoria McKillop chapter 1 . 5/4/2020 This is one of my favorite scenes from the books! I’m so glad that you took it in from his perspective! Well done! |
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31/2016 I meant "fics", not "pics", of course. Thanks a million, autocorrect! |
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31/2016 You may want to move this to the new Mairelon page, which was created after this was posted. The world does not have enough good Mairelon pics, so it's worth getting this where it can be found. (Note to reviewer dribnevar, below. The Mairelon books are not the creation of Mercedes Lackey, but are authored by Patricia Wrede, which is why they're so much better than anything else by Lackey.) |
Eienvine chapter 4 . 8/14/2016 I love this book, and I love these characters, and you have done a masterful job of guessing at Mairelon's thought processes-they all seem perfectly in character for him. I loved this whole story. |
Guest chapter 4 . 9/23/2013 Thanks for giving us a further glimpse into the lives of Richard and Kim - hope you'll pick this up again. (Have you seen that this site's given Mairelon his own category? It'd be nice to see some more stories to fill it out.) |
dribnevar chapter 4 . 9/23/2012 Love it! Thanks a bunch, unfortunately Mairelon the Magician / Magician's Ward are the only Lackey books i have had the pleasure of reading. However I love them so much that they are in fact my favorite books, no matter what else i read it doesn't come close when compared the those books! So, I am very glad i came across your Fic's and i hope you do write the whole thing from Mairelon's perspective. Thanks a bunch! |
Eruanna17 chapter 4 . 7/21/2012 Great job! I love the story from his point of view, and totally agree that while Wrede is a great author, she tends to skimp on the relationship elements. Thanks so much for writing! |
Athena Goddess of the Wise chapter 2 . 1/7/2012 So your saying Mairelon is about 28 in The Magician's Ward? I figured him to be 23-25, but that may have just been me trying to get him as close as possible to Kim's age. I've been wondering how old other people would figure him to be since I first started Mairelon the Magician... Oh, BTW, great story(s?). |
TheLadyW chapter 2 . 10/25/2011 Re: Chapter 2 You did a wonderful job recreating this scene from Richard's point of view. Do not get me wrong, the other chapters are well done too, but this one is by far my favorite. Thank you for sharing it. |
Eden chapter 4 . 8/8/2011 Well, I don't know if Wrede herself has ever gotten hitched, but she has depicted at least one couple that I know of both pre-marriage, getting married, and post-marriage. She still managed to only have them kiss something like three times, which I suppose is rather...impressive. Poor Cimorene and Mendanbar. Anyway these shots are lovely. |
miss.SunFlower chapter 2 . 8/6/2011 This whole fic made me feel all of the feelings. At the same time. This chapter in particular, but really all of them. Anyways yeah. I love you. The end. |
Loki's Campaign Manager chapter 4 . 6/16/2011 Thank you ever so much for writing a fic for this series. There are simply not enough of them out there; it's disgraceful. And so in character! Great job. |
millernumber1 chapter 4 . 5/26/2011 Just signing in to say I enjoyed this very much, having just finished both of the Mairelon books. And from Wrede's website, I gather she has been married and divorced. I would say that her eschewing of romance stems from not only her personal inclinations (though I thought the romance elements in Magician's Ward are sweetly understated - have to go on to the Kate and Cecilia books, as these two are the only Wrede books I've read - oh, and I have the Star Wars prequel YA novelizations, which Wrede also did, so that might have some romance), but also her feelings of appropriateness for audience. Though she does mention the prostitution and less savory side of Regency England, she keeps it remarkably PG. Though she does include scenes of Kim's sexual awakening. So I don't know where I'm going with that. Anyhoo, nicely done story! |
bookbelle.314 chapter 4 . 3/18/2011 Incerdible story, I've love Mairelon the Magician and have been looking for fanfiction of it so this was really great. |
princess ruby natalie chapter 1 . 2/28/2011 i love mairelon the magician and the magician's ward and i thought your stories were very well written. i wish more people would write fanfiction about kim and mairelon i think they're great ) |