Reviews for Chuck vs Eleven Roses
Tpsoftballdad chapter 2 . 4/15/2020
Enjoyed both chapters very much. Chuck was just perfectly romantic while Awesome’s chapter was cute and a lot of fun. Thanks so much.
j.santacruz98 chapter 1 . 6/5/2017
beautiful story, I hope you continue writting
Rae Smith Cobleigh chapter 2 . 12/25/2016
Haha! Oh, I loved this chapter, too. Ellie's prank on Devon was just great. He really is a great guy, and they are so well-matched. Thanks for some great fic for these characters!
Rae Smith Cobleigh chapter 1 . 12/25/2016
I was going along, enjoying this story, smiling here and there, liking how accurately you were portraying the characters, and feeling kind of meh about the whole flower discussion, because I'm really not a flowers kind of girl. (The idea of watching something beautiful die on my counter doesn't feel like a particularly romantic symbol. :) But then I got to the arrangement at the end and you just TOTALLY blew me away! A bouquet of eleven yellow roses with a much shorter single red rose (with its own note attached!) hidden away in the center: WOW. What achingly beautiful symbolism! *I* fell in love with Chuck in that moment, haha. Well done. :)
phathead01 chapter 2 . 8/16/2014
Love this.
bowtie chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
awww...that is so romantic
s-david-m chapter 2 . 8/23/2012
Devon having a PhD in flowers: too awesome not to be true!
Chuck chapter 1 . 3/27/2010
Really great job bro.
daydreamer2578 chapter 2 . 2/23/2010
So I'm sick again and can't sleep with all of the hacking, and in my insomniac, cold medicine-riddled haze I remembered that last time I was sick you wrote me a beautiful little story to cheer me up and I thought I'd go read it again, only to realize *gasp!* that I never reviewed it! How terribly gauche, nay, even RUDE of me, and I'm so, so sorry! :( Now I feel even worse than I did before. Can you ever forgive me? I'm hoping that if I gush enough about it that you will, so here goes...

I can't even been to say how sweet this is. I know that Devon and Ellie haven't been married long, but the fact that this came out of the mind of an old married guy like me (the old married part, not the guy part ;) gives me a renewed faith in romance. In fact, I think that once I'm back on my feet I may just have to go get some flowers for Mrs. DD myself as a thank you for putting up with my "man" cold. What kind of flowers are good thank you flowers, O Wise One? And perhaps cannon Devon should take a page from your book and try this as well, as things don't seem to be going all that awesomely for him and the new Dr. Mrs. Woodcomb. (I was hoping that this development would inspire more Dellie fics, but, sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case).

As others have noted, you really have captured their voices very well. I could completely picture this playing out on screen, and really loved the mental image Ellie's abrupt emotional shift inspired (again, I'd much rather see this kind of abrupt emotional shift on the show then the ones we have been seeing, wouldn't you?) I also liked the little details of how badly Ellie was dragging after her night shift and thinking about how the world's "decent" people were starting their days instead of ending them - being a night worker myself I completely get that. But, of course, the thought of a little "double delight" with her awesome husband perked her right up again, and who could argue with that sentiment? The "race you down the hall" bit was just too cute, and the details of the little white lace panties and the California tan stretched out on the bed - yowza!

I was just thinking... (I know, shocking, right?) But now I'd kind of like to see Sarah and Ellie return the gesture and do something romantic for their men. What kind of flowers would they pick, or would it even be flowers? Strangely, the only thing I can really see Sarah sending is a bouquet of throwing knives. lol And Ellie of course will be going AP and leaving the heads of skanky brunette nurses in Devon's locker. Hahahaha. But seriously, with all the angst that is S3, another great bit of fluff and romance to continue this story would be a great thing to see - if you ever have the time to write that is.

But thank you thank you again for sharing this, and my profusest apologies for the absurdly late timing of my review. If you write more I won't let it happen again, I promise! D

Remorsefully Sneezeily,

mxpw chapter 2 . 12/3/2009
Well, I'm not the biggest fan of Ellie/Devon, but that's mainly because I like Devon a lot more than Ellie. So I was reluctant to read this simply because I'm not interested in them. But I decided, what the hell, let's see what CJ can come up with. I mean, he writes the Charah pretty well, why not the...Dellie? Pretty happy I did as this story was actually quite, dare I say, awesome.

I think you managed to capture both Ellie and Devon perfectly here, especially Ellie. I could actually see this taking place on the show, unfortunately not the part with Ellie waiting on the bed, but pretty much everything else. I loved Ellie's enthusiasm over Chuck possibly giving Sarah roses, that was her. I loved Devon's "foolproof" line, that was pretty funny. And I definitely loved Ellie playing Devon so effortlessly. Devon can be a bit slow sometimes, in an awesome way of course, and it's always great to see Ellie's playful side come out. This fic made me a believer in their relationship. And of course the end...great visual to leave us with.

Very good coda to this story! Devon should start a dating service. Heh. It would be awesome.
jagged1 chapter 2 . 12/2/2009
Romantic, sweet, oh, and amusing too! This line tickled me...

The surgeon quirked an eyebrow. “Well, I was gonna go with foolproof, but 'awesome' works too.”

You have nailed their voices, that is for certain. It's always a nice surprise to see something from you! Thanks, CJ.
Mikki13 chapter 2 . 11/30/2009
*grins* The ending was . . . wait for it . . . AWESOME. Seriously great fic, CJ. I'm kinda amazed at how well you got their voices down, and the poem/roses were to die for. Thanks for writing and for sharing. (And I hope you're feeling better, Daydreamer!)
DLK chapter 2 . 11/30/2009
It was great to see you update, CJ. The first installment was fantastic, and the second one is... yeah, I know, awesome, haha. I'm actually familiar with that poem it was very well chosen. You have a knack for choosing simple, yet elegant ideas to include in your stories.

As for specifics, I like how Ellie played off of Awesome's attempt at seduction. You write those two very well.

Even though there was only passing mention of Charah, I heartily give this two thumbs up. I always enjoy a little fluff, and you write it so well.

Keep up the good work, CJ.

anon4utu chapter 2 . 11/30/2009
More . . . roses.
NickyR chapter 2 . 11/29/2009
SO Have I told you how much I love this FF and that I am having a better day just reading ch. 2? b/c if I havent I am going to. I loved ch. 1, I then agree it was nice to see ellie and awesome, you have so much behind your chapters, you have information like the white rose poem, or the research on the flowers, and of course amazing beta-ers, if thats a word. Will you give us a chapter w/ sarah's response to chuck, b/c that would be AWESOME!
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