Reviews for Inverse
ILDV chapter 9 . 10/7/2009
race-the-ace chapter 8 . 9/30/2009
Yay, another chapter!

Just one small was hard to read because there were no spaces between the lines/paragraphs. I'm not sure if that's just my computer or what, but yeah.

But yay, more Luke!


EmeraldWings90 chapter 8 . 9/29/2009
I'm sure poor Esserec agrees with me when I say this is getting stranger by the minute... :) It's great!

Luke won't be able to duel Vader without a saber... :/

Good chapter. :)

Balance in the Dark chapter 8 . 9/29/2009
Okay I like Esserec only if i exclude the dream/flashback parts and only think about him as an imperial commander who got shot by his men and left for dead. Then I like him.

As for the rest of the story, I am very interested in what Vader, Theo and Luke are planning to do. I also liked the Forced prompting for Luke to take Esserec with them and that last line that Janson said about the blind. Very good, very interesting.

000000a00000000 chapter 7 . 9/23/2009
I really liked it! Please update soon.
EmeraldWings90 chapter 7 . 9/23/2009
I'm only just realizing... Theo, the Emperor's Hand (I'm guessing) took the Imperial fleet's power out, because Palpatine told him to stop Vader from getting Luke. Right?

BTW, Esserec's an idiot, can't he see Luke's *way* too young to be the Jedi who killed Padmé? I understand, he wasn't thinking, but still... :( Well, at least they have him.

Nice performance from Luke in the battle :)

Great chapter.

Balance in the Dark chapter 7 . 9/23/2009
I really liked this entire chapter. I liked the way you used Esserec, I liked the troopers being hesitant because it was Rouge Squadron, I really liked Luke standing on the X-wing with the bolt flying pass him. Actually that was probably my favorite part, the bolts missing him then him shooting and helping his fellow pilots before laying into the troopers. All in all a good update and good reading.

race-the-ace chapter 7 . 9/23/2009
Yay another chapter...but this one's full of mystery. )

Love the Luke stuff, more please.

- Ace
EmeraldWings90 chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
Hi! I'm rereading this before going on to the new chapter, I've read so many other fics in the past few days that I'm mixing them up... I've forgotten how good this prologue-part was, too. :)

Balance in the Dark chapter 6 . 9/18/2009
Interesting story. There are things I like a dislike about it. I dislike Rosa and Esserec and Luke kinda talking to himself, but I like your writing. I love Luke so angsty and depressed. It was very well done. I can almost feel his despair in this fic.

Some might say that Vader's character is a little overplayed in regards to Luke but not me. I love him evil to everyone...except Luke. Father son fics are my favorite but I have to say my favorite parts are usually when father and son acually meet. So I'm really hoping that comes about one way or another.

Laterness, BITD
race-the-ace chapter 6 . 9/14/2009
Another great chapter.

Btw did you know you have your review filter set against anonymous reviews?


- Ace
race-the-ace chapter 5 . 9/12/2009
I like your story so far. Good Luke angst. I hope you continue to write more.


- Ace
EmeraldWings90 chapter 5 . 9/1/2009
You're very welcome. The story is absolutely great... post-ESB fics are amongst my favorites, and this is definitely one of the better ones. It's exciting and well-written, strange that you haven't got any reviews for it yet.

Oh yeah, a hint for that: if you really want to get more reviews, don't post many chapters at once, because lazy people will only review one of them... ;) Also, it's easier to notice a new story if it shows up many times on the update list. (Not that I mind that there was already a lot to read... :D )

One thing is a bit confusing for me, though: why is the genre "romance"? So far, it was friendship, and if it is going to be romance, could you say what kind? People often choose fics based on pairings, but so far, it could even be slash and I wouldn't know. So could you indicate that in the summary or in an Auther's notes at the beginning? :)

Thanks! I'll be reading. :)

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