Reviews for Burn and Shine
LadySnowdon chapter 21 . 12/6/2024
Fantastic story! Poor Edward, if only he could let go and be happy. I really liked Jazz in this fic, he’s a great friend. What an ending to this chapter too. I guess I have to use my imagination for what may have come next.
anyagal chapter 21 . 4/6/2023
I hope that you didn't stop writing, because a talent of this magnitude shouldn't be ignored or wasted. I enjoyed this story so much, even though I soon realized that it hadn't been finished. Thank you.
atouchofcitron chapter 16 . 12/2/2022
all of the implied moments of his past sexual abuse is so heartbreaking. you can't help but root for him to find peace.
Senorfrogs chapter 1 . 9/20/2022
Can’t believe this isn’t finished! Such an amazing history! Hope you get to post one day
Nicoconsd chapter 21 . 5/13/2022
Oh wow! I am so glad I found your story so many years later but whew you def left it on kinda a cliffy! I'm so curious how things went when they got to Bellas and how did their relationship progress. Still I really enjoyed it and the characters created. I hope this review surprises you that even 12 years later people are still enjoying it. :D
Soulofarebel chapter 1 . 5/30/2021
Please finish this story. It’s just too good to remain unfinished.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/28/2021
I always forget I’ve read this one and read it again and every time I can’t put it down until I finish reading it. I love the characters you’ve created in this story. Rose jasper Alice Edward are all very likeable however I can’t really care for Bella somehow... and Edward does not really act like a 25 year old most of the time. He is more like a teenager having his first crush but it’s consistent with his past I guess. Anyways I am very curious about it’s ending and whether if you complete it or not I will be reading this story in the future. Best of luck
Ashlie Christine chapter 21 . 9/30/2020
Im really getting into this one! Hope to see it finished one day!
sosueme chapter 21 . 11/24/2019
Wow, knew this book was unfinished from the beginning, but it is GOOD. Love your descriptive writing style, your interesting characters, and the minute, slow boil. So good, thanks for sharing. So curious about how you envisioned it ending...
sosueme chapter 20 . 11/24/2019
It's almost painful, watching Edward - desperate to be 'normal'. You've got me rooting for him so hard, every tiny step is like throwing a bone my way.
sosueme chapter 16 . 11/24/2019
Loving the psych of the story so, so much. Carlisle, OMG, don't think I've seen this depiction of him!
sosueme chapter 13 . 11/23/2019
Wow. I don't know who will benefit &/or be affected more by that story, Edward or Bella. Talk about getting to know someone, some one volatile. So well written, and courageous as a writer to go there.
sosueme chapter 8 . 11/22/2019
So many sides to this Edward, he's pretty fascinating. Loving Jazz who seems more adjusted socially, but underlying he still likes to pick fights and live on the fringe. Your characters are very interesting and so slowly unpeeled. Love your writing.
sosueme chapter 6 . 11/22/2019
Poor Edward, it doesn't take much to see his PTSD. Loved the way you showed it rather than tell about it. Jazz is really a good friend.
sosueme chapter 4 . 11/22/2019
Loving this tale so far, gritty, balsy - just what I need right now.
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