Reviews for The Girl Who Loved
stinkerdoodle chapter 1 . 8/2
I just wanted to say, this fic stuck with me for years and I come back to read it every few years or so cause it honestly has been one of the best stories I think I’ve read to date. It wasn’t until now that I noticed you wrote a sequel and I’m absolutely falling back down this rabbit hole again.
Athrick chapter 5 . 5/24
Harry playing that off as if he wasn’t abducted and raped… wtf
Polydicta chapter 6 . 5/6
I prefer the steamy scene. (just sayin')
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2023
This is Justina another homo stupidity. Gender bender homo stupidity
phosphophillite49 chapter 7 . 8/26/2023
Oh I'm just stupid
phosphophillite49 chapter 7 . 8/26/2023
Usagi ? ...
OneBlindMouse chapter 18 . 5/4/2023
Still the absolute best HP/SM crossover!
Wish there was more from your quill!
Light Lord Cybergate chapter 12 . 3/14/2023
It's very difficult to decide at times who is more evil. Dumbledore or Tom but my vote here is Dumbledore.
There is evil like Voldemort... And then there is most evil like Dumblemort. He is without a doubt the worst type of evil scum that could possibly exist.

Rarely would I condone the complete slow and very painful destruction of someone... But for Dumbledore I'd glady make an exception.
Light Lord Cybergate chapter 10 . 3/13/2023
Snape? Why did she have to choose that name?
Practically any name besides Snape would have been better as you can bet Snape (or Dumbles) will use this to gain some sort of claim on her. The wizengamot is stupid enough to believe Harry is already married to Snape especially if Dumbles claims it.
This is going to come back to bite her in the ass.
Arturia LeFay chapter 18 . 2/23/2023
even after a thousand years Minako will always be Minako.
TheAssassinofIce chapter 11 . 1/10/2023
Kmg27 chapter 18 . 10/30/2022
too soon, ended entirely to soon...
cowchoas chapter 8 . 8/19/2022
i want to see snape get blast so hard he is sent flying all the way to the curse spring of drowning somethng that make his life more suffering
Darksilver Reaper chapter 18 . 2/26/2022
This story and it's sequel are so God damn Horny and I LOVE IT! Thank you for this glorious story.
Homarid chapter 1 . 10/11/2021
I haven't read about Ranma before, and the male/female water thing is really weird. Also Dumbledore is a ridiculous caricature. I'm not sure this story is for me but I'll try another chapter.
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