Reviews for Pack
serenityrain2233 chapter 37 . 4/28/2024
You need to continue please...
Lau87 chapter 37 . 11/28/2023
In love with this story! I really hope you are well and will continue with the story.
zye1 chapter 37 . 8/29/2023
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story. I do hope you continue writing. After all...she had 17 pups.
WiseFly chapter 15 . 5/27/2023
i freakin dying at the pebble discussion... lol, also i pove this story
Frog chapter 37 . 8/8/2021
Pack has been one of my favourite stories since I first read it years ago.
I Adore it! If you ever continue it, I'm Positive it'll have been worth the wait ;)
If not, thank you for writing and sharing your Absolutely, Awesome stories,
Sincerely Frog
DeathWhoBeShe123 chapter 32 . 5/5/2021
I'm sorry just found out TAI-Youkai is not actually a word but DAI-Youkai is
DeathWhoBeShe123 chapter 32 . 5/5/2021
It actually depends on how you want to say it... A lot of other stories have different words for it like DAI-Youkai or TAI-Youkai but in the end they basically have the same meaning but I could be wrong about it... HeHeHe
Monomyth chapter 9 . 5/1/2021
It was a really enjoyable read until the whole PMS thing came up...
ZeWarudoman chapter 12 . 12/11/2020
Why such OOC-iness from Yasha and Kikyo, author-san? Kinda feels like you forced this persona on them as an excuse to do whateber you feel. Good Plot, bad writing. Kagome is coming across as far too meek and un-useful.
parisadaja chapter 37 . 11/29/2020
Thank you for the story! I completely failed to realize that it wasn’t complete, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. I hope that you’ve been well in the last 11 years and untouched by covid. Your talent is appreciated
parisadaja chapter 34 . 11/28/2020
I love this story so much and I’ve been stuck between dragging it out and impatience to finish. Thank you for all the amazing work you put into this! It definitely shows!
arya304 chapter 33 . 10/21/2020
I want a wedding like that so bad that it's almost painful. imagine just how intense and amazing it would be!
arya304 chapter 20 . 10/21/2020
awww I wish there was more action between sess and Koga but I guess this was good enough for me. Go kagome for sticking up for herself, that was a long time coming.
arya304 chapter 19 . 10/21/2020
they are so fucking adorable! omg, I just want to squish them!
arya304 chapter 17 . 10/21/2020
I wonder if they are going to have a run-in with Koga! I really want them too.
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