Reviews for Breaking Trinity
beagil1976 chapter 32 . 8/27/2012
My goodness I don’t even know where to start. Your story left me breathless. I don’t usually read WIP’s but I keep hearing such good reviews that I couldn’t stay away from this fic. Now I’m almost ashamed that I haven’t been a part of it since the start. Loving every single chapter, I find it fascinating that so much is happening in such a short time frame, I think you are portraying teenage/ young adult love, passion, uncertainty, frustration, lust… perfectly! You, my friend are incredibly talented and I’ll be following you and be active from now on. Thank you for sharing your talent with us, and thank you for the rec’s. I’m about to start reading Brits23.
Cici G chapter 32 . 8/27/2012
I was so happy to see that I had 2 chapters waiting for me to read and that it won't be long for the next one. I look forward to more.
Cici G chapter 31 . 8/27/2012
I'm glad to see that you are okay and are back to writing. I enjoyed the chapter and look forward to more.
JTPrincessa chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
I absolutely LOVE this story! Edward and Bella's relationship/connection is a thing of beauty. The intensity is out of this world. I love how cultured and sophisticated the Cullen family are! Does Bella speak any other languages? I'm hoping that she does and will be able to impress Edward's family when she's officially introduced to them. What's the deal with Charlie? Is his dislike of Edward based upon Bella's original reaction towards Edward? After all, She did tell her father that she hated him at first, so who knows! I'm really looking forward to Edward and Bella taking their relationship public. Jess will probably have an anurysm and Mike might end up receiving that beat down from Edward, lol. Will James and Victoria come back into the storyline at some point?
shenaniwhatagans chapter 24 . 8/26/2012
Please don't make her even remotely fall for Jake! I couldn't take it.
Guest chapter 32 . 8/26/2012
This story just gets under you skin; the intensity is palpable. I'm glad I didn't give up on it; I read it quite a while ago and was so disappointed it wasn't finished, but kept the faith. Thank you.
Luvtwismut chapter 32 . 8/26/2012
Glad Snarlie and Bella got a little frisky in this update! :)
witchykitty1313 chapter 32 . 8/26/2012
Brilliant chapter! You know, I love this story and Snarlward so much, I simply had to re-read the entire thing before I started in on the new chapters. This is why I'm a little late in reading and reviewing. Thanks again for picking it back up. No really. THANKS!
Ennah1887 chapter 32 . 8/26/2012
hurry hurry and update, i much love this book
shenaniwhatagans chapter 23 . 8/26/2012
I had a feeling she hadn't gotten his break up message...this is going to suck for do many people & reasons.
witchykitty1313 chapter 31 . 8/26/2012
Oh hell. Charlie! Cruelest cliffie in the history of cliffies! Just wanna say that I'm so happy that you're continuing this story. It truly is lovely-even with the snarly, lemony goodness! Thank you...
LadyTx chapter 32 . 8/26/2012
Thank God they didn't get caught. I imagine that could have gotten ugly!
msT7301 chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
This sounds really good.:)
A Sirius Individual chapter 14 . 8/25/2012
oh lord have mercy on his soul...
shenaniwhatagans chapter 18 . 8/25/2012
Busted by Charlie, has she ever been grounded before? Confronting Edward in the parking lot ...Charlie had a busy day
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