Reviews for How My Life was Ruined in 14 Days
ExBficLover chapter 15 . 6/24/2012
Sweet little story!
ExBficLover chapter 5 . 6/23/2012
Lol! "Thank you. Come again". Love this Bella. She's hilarious.
bella's beta chapter 15 . 6/23/2012
Great story! I really liked it!
Rogueish28 chapter 14 . 6/16/2012
This story was halarious... I laughed so hard at times i cried... great read
luckycullen chapter 14 . 5/31/2012
A very nice ending... Thanks Moon witche!
luckycullen chapter 13 . 5/31/2012
;-) I'm glad the girls got their plans come true
luckycullen chapter 12 . 5/31/2012
Poor edward! Bella's OCD is driving him crazy... I'm glad that Bob is finally dead!
luckycullen chapter 10 . 5/31/2012
O.M.G., this UST between them is killing me!
luckycullen chapter 9 . 5/31/2012
what a wonderful idea for the party, and for the plan...
luckycullen chapter 8 . 5/31/2012
Bella is so unfathomable, that I'm glad that Edward says "no"...
luckycullen chapter 7 . 5/31/2012
I really would like to know what edward thinks of this impersonal relationship... This line was hilarious: "...well, it looked as if he tried to develop a third leg but couldn't manage it."
luckycullen chapter 5 . 5/30/2012
wow I really adore this unusual relationship, and the way Bella is, all bussiness like...
luckycullen chapter 4 . 5/30/2012
Oh, I'm sorry the date didn't go as Edward expected it... and organized Bella gets on my nerves... loving this story!
luckycullen chapter 3 . 5/29/2012
wow, it was awesome and funny, I can retrieve from my mind the image of edward drinking juice!
luckycullen chapter 2 . 5/29/2012
I bought "Sex for Dummies" too... learned a lot!
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