Reviews for How My Life was Ruined in 14 Days
Ariya120 chapter 1 . 2/20/2018
agoogoo chapter 4 . 11/4/2017
looove how Alice is attacking/defending from Rosalie's actions/words
tinksauble chapter 14 . 8/1/2017
This story is brilliant! Thanks for taking the time to write it.
readicted chapter 14 . 7/26/2017
This started out as maybe one of the funniest stories I've ever read. Then, then it got serious and sad. There was still some moments of levity, but I felt concern for these two kids and heck Alice too. Glad to see there were some breakthroughs and positive momentum for Alice and for Jasper, as well as for Bella. Edward seemed well adjusted for the most part, although he had some sibling issues. Who doesn't though. All I all, it was an enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing your fic. From your closing author's note, it sounds like you've moved on from Twific, so I don't know if you even read these reviews any more, but I still appreciate the time that you put into writing it.
readicted chapter 9 . 7/24/2017
Alice and Bella seem a bit like a train wreck. Jake seems like a good friend. Bella needs therapy. And Alice is persistently perusing a boy who is happilydating another girl, and has told her he's not into her that way. Bella's nervous ramblings to Edward are still so funny.
readicted chapter 8 . 7/24/2017
Oh no, she snuck out while he was asleep and walked home in the rain. My gosh, what must Charlie be thinking? Will he be furious with Edward. Naturally he's very worried for and about Bella. That's just heartbreaking for both Edward and Bella. Then the public scene at school, ugh. If Bella would slow down and actually listen to someone for once instead of cutting them off, she might learn something. Everything needs to conform to her will. She must be in control. She's going to have a bit of a breakdown. Edward is mad at Emmett, it's likely because of Alice. I wonder what Alice was getting to when she said Edward was too gentlemanly with his previous sexual partner/experience. And I think Edward is absolutely right to turn Bella down for a kiss.
readicted chapter 7 . 7/24/2017
I guess Charlie knew the deal huh. That's...weird, but I actually get it. I get why he was kind of ok about it. As hilarious as all of this is, and it is freaking gold star funny- it's also incredibly sad. I feel so sad for both Edward and Bella. Edward seems to like Bella, at the very least care about her. He's not promiscuous so this was a big deal to him too. And as for Bella, she went about this is such a rigid, regimented, sterile way. She allowed no fun, no tenderness, no softness into her first time. In my opinion, Jake would have been better choice for her first time if she was dead set on doing it with just someone she could stand seeing naked. Jake and Bella shared a bond, a true friendship. He knew her and chose to befriend her quirks and plans all and all. I really thought they'd back out when Bella started stripping the second the door closed. And then when she didn't want to remove her shirt. And then when she started rambling about distinctly insect topics. And then when she didn't want to look. She keeps cutting Edward off and rejecting any attempts he endeavors to make this whole experience less cold and clinical. I almost want to drop a tear for them both. Hopefully, Bella will allow her to hold her. Maybe even kiss her. Maybe they can try again if he is able to break through her carefully erected and furiously protected walls. My fingers are crossed for her.
readicted chapter 6 . 7/24/2017
Oh gah, my stomach aches from laughing. Full-belly laughing. That drug store scene was too good. And after all of the back and forth with poor Edward about tantalizing tasting condoms, Bella calmly turns to the traumatized older woman and scolds her for holding up the line. That right there just may be my favorite bit. The cashier deserves a raise for keeping it together as well as she did. She giggled and valiantly tried to stifle her smile, I would've lost it. I don't stifle amusement well. Especially shocked amusement.
readicted chapter 5 . 7/24/2017
Poor Edward.
readicted chapter 4 . 7/24/2017
Oh my Alice is a bit crazy. And Edward and Bella's date was kind of a disaster. Except it seems like Bella some entertainment value in the drama.
readicted chapter 3 . 7/24/2017
OMG, I'm dying. That was hilarious and mortifying for poor Edward.
readicted chapter 2 . 7/24/2017
So funny. Bob is great. Edward has a stipulation. Her whole schedule for the week is shot, lol. Let's hope Jake took her seriously when she canceled their standing Sunday 'appointment' to hang out. It could get awkward(er) is Jake shows up.
readicted chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
Stumbled upon this story. Two paragraphs in and I chuckling my way through. This is going to be fun.
flanduslover1 chapter 15 . 6/25/2017
I actually really liked this it was different than anything I mean Alice pinning for Emmett and jasper pinning for her...
Bella proposes something Edward excepts but helps change the way she sees things
Guest chapter 15 . 4/30/2017
You suck!
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