Reviews for How My Life was Ruined in 14 Days
BeachRosey chapter 12 . 6/5/2011
I so love that bob got run over! She so doesn't get how others view her planning.
orlanka chapter 15 . 6/1/2011
very cute story!
Iteachu4600 chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
Talk about setting the mood
sansanita chapter 1 . 5/7/2011
Hi! I've just finished this story, and really want to say it was so funny, and special. I had really good times reading it, and loved the relationship between Bella and Bob (and the logic she uses for everything).

I plan to read your other stories soon, I saved them on my pc.


Melissa chapter 15 . 4/30/2011
Gr! I don't knownghem well enough to imagine they're life together !
dipi.viki chapter 3 . 4/27/2011
Hahahaha! Absolutely loved this chapter, I burst out laughing! :D Xxx
Svaler chapter 11 . 4/26/2011
What movie were they watching?
fthsit chapter 14 . 4/25/2011
Oh My Lord. Best story ever! :D It's almost 4am here but I just wanted to finish this story! LOL i actually read this a year ago but it wasnt finished and I didnt have an account then. And now I do then I remembered this story and fortunately it is actually complete! Keep writing! Great talent should be put out there. And I know you like constructive criticism but It's kinda hard to give some to a story this awesome. Just one thing though, UPDATE FASTER. You would certainly lose readers if you don't. I mean I can tolerate the lateness and I have great memory but some people just aren't like that. Anyway sorry for the long review but it definitely deserves it :) Keep on, keepin on!
cyndee chapter 15 . 4/23/2011
Thank you so much for finishing the story. I think you are a terrific writer. Humor is much harder to write then angst and you nailed it!
afjklgsdfhjkdslhgjk chapter 12 . 4/22/2011

Sorry, I've kind of been waiting for someone to get rid of Bob ever since I started reading this story.

Well, I wanted be the one to throw it on the floor, but this works too. :)
Toni chapter 10 . 4/21/2011
I love your story soooo much! My favorite charector has to be Bob. I know your done with this story and I cant wait to do more. I wonder what this story would be like if the roles were reversed? You know Edward being the control freak and Bella being... The sain one.
Breezy27 chapter 8 . 4/13/2011
I have to say that I really feel sorry for Edward. This Bella is... its almost like she doesn't have emotions at all, therefore it is really hard to empathize or relate to her. I could understand her being awkward or whatever, but she really doesn't seem to feel anything at all. Did something happen in her past to make her so cold? She seems completely non-feeling and almost robotic. The only thing she seems to care about are her plans and logic. Maybe that is the point. I really want to like her but am finding it very hard to do so. But I am curious to see how the story turns out and hopefully she will be able to feel some emotions in the end. I hope I'm not insulting you as that is not my intent at all. I just find this Bella so beyond frustrating, very hard to relate to, and a bit of an emotional retard. Sorry! Just my opinions. I greatly admire all you fanfiction writers. It takes great imagination, courage, and passion to come up with and write stories.
planetblue chapter 15 . 4/13/2011
Those last 4 lines in your fake out chapter were a perfect epilogue!

What a great, fun, cute story. Thanks for sharing!
oh werd chapter 1 . 4/8/2011
oh no she didn't just come right out with it like that!
hobardi chapter 15 . 3/31/2011
Thank you for a great little piece of fanfiction, I had a really fun time reading about these two. I liked the characterization (great Charlie, by the way!), the perfect amount of fun/sweet/laconism, and the outcome! I'm so relieved I was able to read the ending before you pulled the story out. Thanks!
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