Reviews for Letting Go
Guest chapter 6 . 1/25/2024
Ed said he isn't giving any orders today X-D
Erin mansfield chapter 25 . 2/25/2022
Thank you, Thank you, thank you for giving the use of each piece of armor! I really like this story!
Guest chapter 24 . 2/25/2022
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! I have read this scene several times before and yet you have still given it a fresh look and make it unique. Well done.
Guest chapter 17 . 2/24/2022
Wow. I can feel the guilt, sadness anger and shame as if they were my own feelings. The emotion just radiates from this chapter in powerful waves. Great job!
femmenby chapter 1 . 5/30/2021
Ch. 20
Kurogane Tsubasa chapter 33 . 3/6/2021
This was amazing to read! I've often wished that C.S. Lewis had written the Chronicles of Narnia for adults as well, like have a children's version and then an adult version. This version you wrote is of course different from his, but I like to imagine that it would end up similar to yours! Thank you for such a fantastic read and I can't wait to get started on the second one you wrote!
browhal1 chapter 33 . 1/2/2021
This story was absolutely fabulous. I love seeing how Peter/Ed/Caspian’s character developed over the story and I loved seeing Ed and Caspian’s brothership form
GraceEliz chapter 33 . 9/23/2020
This was absolutely and completely gorgeous, the brother bonds are amazing, and Edmund is spot-on. The bit when he becomes Death made me want to eldritch-ify him a bit too much, I'll have to resist the urge until a more suitable time. Good fic!
Angel Gidget chapter 33 . 9/21/2020
I haven't read Narnia fanfic in a while, but I was recently prompted to recall a couple of my faves from when I was a regular reader. Your story was one of them. I recently made a fic rec post about it and included a cover for your story over on my tumblr. So in case you wanna check it out: : .com (slash) post (slash) 629922783855575040 (slash) narnia-fanfic-recs-old-ed-centric-faves-chanson
Guest chapter 27 . 9/11/2020
Actually; Deimos was a demi-god that died in battle when his generals deserted him. His mother went to Hades and demanded that her son be given justice. Hades agreed and so Deimos came back as a spirit that went and killed everyone who left like a coward.
Guest chapter 19 . 9/11/2020
Sorry; Terror Gold?
Guest chapter 2 . 9/10/2020
Oh yeah. Susin would be Pissed
silverstarling21 chapter 33 . 6/12/2020
This story is amazing! It is definitely the best - and my favorite - Narnia fanfiction that I've read. I loved the way you portrayed Peter's character, with his faults and the depth behind them. His character development was really well done. I loved the relationship you gave Edmund and Caspian (and the absence of Suspian). This story story was really well written, with the plot, and behind the characters. I have to say that this was done better than the movie and I enjoyed it more as well. Great job!
waitingforloki chapter 22 . 6/8/2020
I was thinking of commenting after reading the whole story , but I love when people acknowledge Edmund's silver tongue and his siblings trust in him
Guest chapter 33 . 9/15/2018
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