Reviews for All That Matters
PrincessYun chapter 1 . 4/18/2011
Hum, here before I forget, you wrote some French sentences, and being French myself I can tell you that you made some mistakes.

When you say "ce n'est pas une décision à prendre à la sauvette" you have to replace "sauvette" by "à la va vite" and then you'll have "ce n'est pas une décision à prendre à la va vite" or you could have said "à la légère" instead of "à la va vite" too. The two saying have the same meaning. Instead of "c'était un plaisiré you sgould say "ce fut un plaisir" which in another way to express the past in French. Also you can't say "ma petite choux" because "choux" is masculine so you have to write "mon petit choux" or just "mon choux". And to finish "ma belle canard" is not endearing in French so I advize you to change into something else, if you want to use an animal name then you should use "mon chaton".

I'll go back to your story now
Nali-Blunt chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
This whole arc was cute. I wasn't at all put off by MPREGO, but I thought it was cuteand rather endearing. Thanks for THIS. ;3
cedriccullen chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
This was as Ron would say

"Bloody Brilliant"

I've loved the Birthday Gift series:)

Until I started reading your ff I never really liked Harry/Draco slash


Good Job Dracosoftie :)
Mae LeFey chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
Brilliant! I've enjoyed all your works so far but, notable in this story, I love how you wrote the pregnancy into the second part of the story while barely giving it away until the end. Normally I notice these things, but I really thought that Leo was Harry's boyfriend or husband until the end. Maybe I wasn't expecting that level of sophistication from fanfic, but I'm glad that, whatever m expectations were, you exceeded them.

I also love how you weren't afraid to make the story richer with French. I'm passable at it, I needed to look up a few phrases, but the fact that you didn't explain every detail of it made it more pleasurable AND you even used proper accents!

Thirdly, I'll admit that a pet peeve of mine is American authors who attempt to write British stories and fail miserably. Colloquialisms are especially brutal...(I even read a story where Harry had to put on his "knickers") so, I'll admit to a moment of consternation when Draco was telling himself to "man up". When you actually wrote it into the story that he was purposefully using an American term, the amount of relief that I felt was quite pathetic.

Please, keep writing and know that I will continue to read faithfully and admiringly.
Blue-Eyed Chica chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
love it! thats it ( thats ok though, it was a good ending D
toastypotato chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
Hey! sorry about the confusion at first, i got it about 2 secs after i finished the story. lol. very nicely written btw, all of them. keep up the great work. :)
tkmutant chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
Great series..
Nihtingale chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
so so so vry sweet
mjmusiclover chapter 1 . 9/18/2010
oh crap, i completely forgot to review this one & i am saying it's awesome :P
Atira7 chapter 1 . 8/19/2010


PhoenixPixie chapter 1 . 7/25/2010
This entire series was brilliant... loved it...
WinterStorrm chapter 1 . 7/20/2010
It's good to get closure!

Excellent end to a wonderful quartet of stories!

Thank you for writing.
mauralee chapter 1 . 6/11/2010
*sigh* Okay, grinning and crying. Loved it.
monami27 chapter 1 . 5/31/2010
I don't know quite what it was about this series of stories, but I really REALLY enjoyed them. I think the way you wrote the characters and just the way they 'grew up' was realistic. Very well done.
evanescenceangel18 chapter 1 . 3/19/2010
I must say I totally love the stories from this series they are my favorite. Damn I just love this story a ton its like WOW! Finally Draco has come to realize that he is in love with Harry and that he does want a family and that they wont turn out like his dad. Anyways love this amazing story. Love ya dear. XD
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