Reviews for Embers
NuclearBunny8991 chapter 1 . 9/2
I've read this fanfic more than 6 times. Expertly done! Love all the reference material too. For those saying they don't like the pacing, it's a 700,000 word fanfic. Get good.
Vinyard26 chapter 51 . 7/8
Man... you are not letting Aang have it asy in this story. oir oy is going to gave his whole understanding of the world turned inside out!
Ruby Winter chapter 46 . 7/2
i can't believe what a slog it's been since they set sail... please tell me something is going to happen now that Zuko's finally sharing his plan with the class smh
Vinyard26 chapter 25 . 6/16
Really love this. You've captured the essence of hhr characters so well. especially Zuko and Iroh. Thanks for writing and sharing.
Guest chapter 36 . 6/13
This is the second time I have tried to read this story, and the second time I will fail to finish it.
There is intrigue, character growth, fast paced plots, and completely logical and internally consistent characters whos actions are at least logical to them. All great things.
But your pacing becomes dog shite. For every good idea and plot point, there has to be a thousand wrenches and sudden unexpected *barely reasonable* twists that each dramatically shift the plot. Often multiple of them in a single chapter. It's draining.
I want to love this. To listen to philosophy and understand the viewpoints of the characters and see them grow and develop in so many ways: but you make everything surrounding this a constant slog of drama. Sudden violent right turns at unexpected times every five minutes it feels like. It drains my will to keep reading because I can't stay invested in anything. It's just "how will things inevitably get worse suddenly now?" All the damn time. It's draining.
Jxgod chapter 20 . 6/5
this should be mandatordy reading for every ATLA fan lmao. I love it!
animusand chapter 48 . 5/18
I read this every few years, and I'm always satisfied. Azula pullind a Zuko/Sokka brings a smile to my face.
Swarma chapter 26 . 4/2
i love how deeply you analyzed and expanded upon the original avatar lore. nothing you've added feels out of place or too fantastical because you've found ways to connect with the original show. there are so many tiny little hints and happenstances that occured in the show that make it all so much more sinister, and i never would have noticed before reading this fic
Guest chapter 10 . 3/27
Ikaz chapter 9 . 3/27
Good atory, but the writing is too disconjointed. There is not nearly enough of what is going on, where they are, what they're doing . ypu ave to spend more rime setting the scene. Most of this story s only clear to you because have a certain image in your head of what is going on but it isn't displayed to the reader
mspears3175 chapter 38 . 3/22
zoph! Tuko! yay!
Djtiger901 chapter 22 . 3/22
every time i re-read this fic i'm reminded how much i dislike the main characters. you do a really good job of making them realistic and showcase the real world consequences of their flaws.
Yondaime-dono chapter 91 . 3/12
This is by far the most ambitious fanfic I've ever seen, and it's arguably the best novel I've ever read. Taking the already-excellent original concept for ATLA and adding in far more cultural influences, history, AND spiritual concepts makes this world so much more expansive than the original that it's actually laughable to compare them. That presentation made Aang's predicament so much more profound, and the transformations it's made to Zuko and Sokka took two of my favorite characters and made them better.

I'd honestly say the weakest part of it is the close. Ozai ends up being the character with the least added nuance, and he's handled in such an anticlimactic way that his sections end up feeling like a distraction. I needed him to carry some of the absolute dread and terror we see written into anyone forced to deal with Makoto, because Ozai in the comet should be a more squishy dragon wreaking havoc. But for something that successfully pulled off so many expansions of the original story, one battle scene not fitting is hardly even a surprise, let alone a major concern.

And the others? That train sequence, and the first two battles of Asagitatsu...even that battle on the beach. There are a lot of original fight scenes done well here. But the worldbuilding is the real star and I'd love to see this become a Netflix show someday.
Lukebuzo1245 chapter 91 . 3/7
Amazing story. I couldn't stop reading. If I'm not imagining that TophZuko ship, im all for it.
juliusbelt chapter 81 . 2/12
I thought about it recently, but Aang was very lucky that he didn't manage to kill Zuko.
We already know that there are thousands of people who want to put an end to it due to the siege of the North Pole in addition to the Northern Air Temple. That sparks a personal vendetta from much of the Fire Nation for both Aang, Katara, and Sokka. To that we add the family that cares about Zuko, which in this case is Ursa (Probably if Azula or Shidan tell the truth about the whole situation and accepts his love for his son again), Shidan, Iroh (he is his uncle as well as his teacher and considers Zuko as his son and is one of the few people who can claim Asigatatsu as his own but not without punishment by the Kyoshi decree), Amaya (teacher and aunt if she does not lose the twins due to stress which can generate another vendetta), Azula (she just said she was going to kill someone for that), the entire Wen family (who are loyal and Zuko's family) including Shinrong, most likely all of Byakko and her aunts if Shidan decides reveal who Zuko's spirit is which will probably let Kotone take sides because "this brat that my father spent his entire life for and was murdered covering his companions, for whom we have put all of Byakko and the Fire Nation for extension in danger, she kills my grandson in a more careless way than Kyoshi, at least she was looking to kill the pirates, he simply threw him off a cliff on top of a monster that used "the best person in the world" (the same person who wants us all dead), when he was trying to save that disgusting waterbender contaminated by Hama." Now you add to that that Byakko doesn't have much love for Aang for the same reasons that YuYan had who shot him when there was the siege on Dragon's Wings. And Byakko's few waterbenders may decide to throw Katara under the ice if they find out that she is a hama learner and used bloodbending to try to kill Zuko, which Toph might realize.

Furthermore, we already know that Shidan was looking for the northern siege families to prevent them from attacking Aang. He he probably he can direct them to do it.

To that we add the spiritual mess on the part of the earth, fire, air and water. Yue claimed Zuko as hers, Agni returned Agni's Knife to Zuko/Kuzon, to fulfill the mission of finding Aang, plus it is her Yaoren and from what we know she does not usually do that very often with dragon children, who I think we can assume that was a possibility with Temul. Additionally, Yangchen intervened to have Kuzon/Zuko help recover the air nomads, along with Kaze/Lu Ten which brings us to Langzue claimed by La and Tengri as well as Shinrong claimed by Agni, Guayin, Oma and Shu. By becoming a Yaoren they aim to help Zuko. With the objective and mission on the part of the earth king to help Dragon's Wings and probably also avoid the catastrophe of the Shiratora explanation. Which would probably kill half of the Earth Kingdom along with Ozai's fleet.

That means any fire spirit can trick Aang into learning the same story that was killing Roku. or also shiratora can eat another avatar.

In the previous chapter he probably could have killed everyone, Sokka and Suki are not able to confront Aang, Katara was unconscious and injured with a burn somewhat smaller than Zuko's, Shiyu was incapable, perhaps the only one capable of stopping Aang. It was Toph and that and he wasn't able to finish off the Kanaloa. Maybe some avatar or spirit avatar could take control but not without a lot of damage first. Not to mention that he is a Kanaloa who in his rampage could probably attack prisoners and guards.

Also without Zuko, Hakoda doesn't even know where his children are and considering what the environment was like before, they could be left without a fleet and with a bloodbath. Furthermore, Katara is not healed by Zuko or Amak, perhaps not even by herself since she was unconscious, they would only have Toph, who is not a good healer.

Now in those conditions they manage to barely escape, wounded but alive, but without a fleet or Zuko to deal with Azula, think what Azula would have done. She is much healthier mentally and spiritually than she was before but Amaya still had chills because of how she was right after healing her. Makoto tried to put an end to what Amaya did and she had barely been left aside by Ozai. Zuko, Shidan, Ty Lee and maybe Mai with her Dai Lee and her Ominutsu are what keep her sane and responsible. She had that scroll to give to Zuko and she knew that she could use Zuko in her plans so she probably knew that Zuko was with the Gaang. It only took one comment and one bad reaction from any of the Gaang for her to realize that they did something really stupid to her brother.

Yes, in my opinion Aang was very lucky that Zuko did not die
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