Reviews for Evading Edward
BlanchesWeb chapter 18 . 7/5/2024
Incredible well written idea.
"There wasn't a singular wicked witch to rule a kingdom, that would be too easy. There were poisonous apples at every turn. Everyone fell victim, it was just a matter of time."
Teresa R chapter 13 . 3/30/2024
love it
Teresa R chapter 12 . 3/30/2024
He is hooked on her
Teresa R chapter 11 . 3/29/2024
Playing games
Teresa R chapter 10 . 3/29/2024
love it great story
Teresa R chapter 9 . 3/29/2024
great story
Teresa R chapter 8 . 3/29/2024
you rock
Teresa R chapter 7 . 3/29/2024
love it
Teresa R chapter 6 . 3/28/2024
they are so funny
Teresa R chapter 5 . 3/28/2024
They want each other so much
Teresa R chapter 4 . 3/28/2024
Holly shit he was mean
Teresa R chapter 3 . 3/27/2024
Edward does not know how to handle Bella I love it
Teresa R chapter 2 . 3/27/2024
He just cant figure her out
Teresa R chapter 1 . 3/27/2024
He is going to be sorry for that lol
boopgirl chapter 41 . 2/14/2024
Loved it
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