Reviews for The Black Empire
REKS021 chapter 2 . 10/14/2024
Lol Tamaki fate are always a fodder to the big guns...
28niceperson chapter 1 . 10/29/2023
Hello! The fanfic is wonderful! Can I make a translation for it? The publication will be on the Ficbok website and translated into Russian, I need your permission to translate! 3
Sozo Senju 'Rage chapter 28 . 8/16/2023
update please
luwu12248 chapter 28 . 1/2/2023
Hooolllyyyy i loved this! They way you wrote everyone is *chefs kiss* and i really really hope by some small chance that you decide to continue this!
velaj0 chapter 1 . 8/27/2022
UnseenUrge chapter 28 . 8/26/2022
I hopw this story continue because this story is going in my favourite list!
UnseenUrge chapter 12 . 8/25/2022
oh man the speech that zero did is amazing it get mes more excited!
UnseenUrge chapter 11 . 8/25/2022
hey author i just want to say that this story is awesome!
raymond21 chapter 28 . 11/29/2021
Hello,Mr/Mrs Paulxion. I want to say i really liked your fic. In fact,this is one of the my most favourite code geass fanfic in the fandom.

Why because:
1. You described lelouch perfectly. When u read your stories, i feeling like watching lelouch again. His arrogance,his geniuses and his gentle heart.
2. An oc with good personality,background, and ability. I feel like Ellie is alive in this fic. A Noble person who eats the war in his entire life. He is the true of zero apprentince. Had lelouch died, i really think he Will become more effective zero than suzaku
3. You mix your twist in your story' with Canon storyline perfectly. You make entire new battle from scratch (second battle of Japan with calares and Monica,escape from ashford academy, and battle with Morgan le Fay.) Many fic attempt to fix Canon with just aded new dialogue,but you included your own battle plot and concluded it with your own twist. Truly awesome

Can you updated this fic? I know you're still active in another fandom but it is not hurt at all to continued it. After all,i want to know mystery against Morgan le Fay and Shirley geass canceler
Feuka oks chapter 1 . 9/2/2021
Hello author, let me contact you through some social network (intstargam, twitter, facebook), I really liked your work! If you are still in touch, then I ask you to answer me, as I want to translate your work into another language (into my native language, that is, Russian). I ask your permission for this.
You know, I would very much like this wonderful work to be read in my country. I'm not very good at English, so excuse me for mistakes. You can email me this one: or answer here. If you want to discuss the details, then write to the mail, it will be easier this way. Fanfiction forum in Russia is called Ficbook ...
Jose4Andres7 chapter 28 . 7/21/2021
Will you continue with the story?
Lukaiser chapter 1 . 6/23/2021
Please Continue this story is awesome as hell
Nikola1488 chapter 6 . 1/23/2021
I'm tired of reading this stuff. Seriously "Eli"? Another shitty OC that you literally push into work. Even an idiot will see your pathetic attempt to disguise is easy to use ready-made characters. But creating new ones is a talent that you, alas, do not have. My condolences
Uday Sra chapter 28 . 9/26/2020
Guest chapter 8 . 8/3/2020
Fuck you foo. I didn't bother reading this chapter & I'm not going to finish this shit. Extra asf dawg extra asf. Fuck v2
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