Reviews for Loose Ends
Danielfan chapter 1 . 9/12/2015
Nice to the episode. I always wondered what happened when they got back to LA-if there were any problems with the parole board.
Voyager Tip chapter 1 . 2/27/2014
Thanks for this wonderful story. This is the only one I've come across that addresses Milt's wanting to kill Walsh in Oregon with that rock after they caught him (and Mark being the one to stop him). I always liked it that the writers made mark be the one to stop that. I have a very small scene already written about that very thing that I'm planning to put into a short story soon. Again, a really, really nice story. I hated to see it end.
valis2 chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
Very intriguing story, and I was riveted all the way to the end! I loved the way you handled the plotline and the emotions of the characters. Thank you so much for sharing!
Georgi1961 chapter 1 . 10/23/2009
Thank you for another wonderful episode! This brought up a lot of more serious issues that I had not thought about (of course the State of California would be concerned about Mark). And what's not to love about an episode with Frank in it.

Local heroes...and more missing pieces.

I savored this one-only allowing myself to read a few pages a day. Thanks so much!

e-pony chapter 1 . 10/13/2009
As always, LM, a good read - better even than the episode, although I do really like the cave scene (who doesn't?).

"Mark was sitting on the bed opposite his, staring fixedly out the gable window, his expression corrugated in concentration."

I love your description here. Corrugated expression indeed!

Nicely done.

Sprite chapter 1 . 10/8/2009
LM - I've been a long time reader, but never made a comment before. I just wanted to say how very much I admire your stories. They are, very much, continuations of the show. Your characters voices are spot on, and I enjoy the flow of your stories.

Thank you so much for sharing.
JeanneZ84 chapter 1 . 10/7/2009
Mark and Milt went through the war sort of speak in that episode.

This story has a lot of emotion in one Milt was frank worrying about Mark worrying about Milt flying back up the plane with someone else and not him too to find the location of where things happened with the plane crash and to also find the spot where BuzzBird was buried so they can get him and give him a better resting place.

You know sometimes in cases like these especially and in other rough times we go through you really do find out who cares about you and who your real friends are.

cheride chapter 1 . 10/5/2009
Oh, this is just perfectly, well . . . perfect.

Everything seems just so much the way it should have been- the characters, the situations, everything. I have no doubt that just that sort of lynch mob mentality would develop, as crazy joiners in rise up in defense of the resident loonies. Nor do I doubt that neither HC or McC (or Frank, for that matter) would have much patience for the whole thing and would just sort of quietly take care business.

And Frank, just wandering around and helping out, always a pleasure there. I particularly enjoyed the bit with him standing outside a door listening in on how things work; that was great.

Not to be too repetitive, but really, just perfect. Thanks for showing us the rest of this sotry.
CAnn chapter 1 . 10/5/2009
You have done it again, just a wonderful story. You have a way of painting a picture with words, I can read your stories and picture the characters and it is almost like watching another episode. This is a great story that I will havve to read over and over again. chapter 1 . 10/5/2009
It's just like watching an episode. You can see and hear everyone so clearly - marvellous! Just the right amount of emotion shown throughout, and a very clear presentation of things as they surely would have occurred. Completely true and believable dialogue and actions, and what story isn't better with Frank Harper included?

I can't possibly name a favorite section or line (although that acronym still cracks me up), but I can certainly sympathize with Mark since I, too, am a pteromerhanophobe. This one's a certifiable treat, to be savored again and again. Thank you!