Reviews for Fault
Dearest Shay chapter 4 . 6/21
I liked something about James sliminess too, and I've never pondered it till now so here we are. This story is so good, and so funny when Im not expecting it. Sitting on Bellas shoulders, watching and wondering what all Edwards hiding from while Tanya feeds him grapes. But James leaves a cold, dreadful feeling on the nape even when he wants to be charming, so fuck the red flags, Bella; here we go! thanks for such a quality read!
Dearest Shay chapter 3 . 6/21
I'm back! Just a quick skim of the first two chapters to brace and couchlock me in for the tumultuous ride of this chapter. It's such a gritty, bare telling; loving the hollow tones of Bellas voice until Edward appears, like light. Thank you as always for sharing x
Guest chapter 28 . 3/19
Holy shit dude.

Holy shit
Dearest Shay chapter 2 . 1/21
I'm breathless for Edward to save Bella. She's so volatile and aware of it, she's making me sweat, at the edge of my seat with a napkin ready for girl
Dearest Shay chapter 1 . 1/21
Okay, I'm locked in.

You're story inspired one of my favorites, and immediately I'm ready to get faulty. I didn't realise I was at the end of the chapter until I was, so of course I'll devour forward.

Thank you very much for your talent, and for sharing (:
winterhorses chapter 16 . 12/22/2022
Team Carlisle. Every time, all the time. :-)
Monnie Mcintosh chapter 31 . 3/22/2022
This was very odd but beautiful story. I’m glad you wrote about mental health. Thank you
kenyatta.harmon0516 chapter 1 . 8/10/2021
U, this doesn't really seem like rape here I mean she gave consent. She even mentions how she gave consent.

It seems like a young girl who had sex with a guy she didn't like too much and then regretted it after.

Why she acting all sad and traumatized like no one forced her or anything.
levityoflonging chapter 26 . 4/23/2021
I wondered if that's what you were hinting at, but I'm still confused. James has interacted with other people. Like when he confronted Edward and Tanya for stealing Bella's table, or when the mean girls said Bella could give him head on the floor of the JC Pennys. Was Bella just yelling about how they took her table in the third person in my first example?
levityoflonging chapter 20 . 4/23/2021
Aspects of your story remind me of "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, a book I read over and over in high school.
I'm touched that your Edward sacrificed his social rep to be with Bella. That's so significant when you're at that age.
GeekMama Bee chapter 26 . 10/18/2020
What?! I never even suspected!
Makes sense though some of Charlie’s reactions.
Thank you for sharing this.
Guest chapter 30 . 7/27/2020
Your writing makes me sad, author!
Guest chapter 7 . 1/22/2020
It's WHOA, not WOAH. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Messy Bronze Hair chapter 31 . 6/26/2019
That’s it?! I thought that the ending would explain everything. I felt that everything was so disconnected...

I liked the story because this is probably one of the strangest ones that I have read, but I wish there was more to it!

Thank you for sharing!

Messy Bronze Hair
Pattsy1994 chapter 5 . 5/20/2019
Chicken sh*t, Edward.
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