Reviews for The Bonds of Blood
qeenelsaIce chapter 52 . 1/2
I am kinda confused tho with all the kids and stuff but it was a real nice story
Animeworld2.0 chapter 24 . 12/17/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.

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Anna chapter 1 . 12/3/2024
I know I’m not supposed to like Lockhart but his comments are hilarious
linkeron1 chapter 27 . 11/19/2024
“Harry nodded. He liked the older boy, and secretly hoped he won. When they called Cedric's name, he wished the seventh-year the best of luck.”

No! Why do fanfiction writers keep getting this detail about Cedric wrong?!
While Cedric Diggory is 17 years old in GOF, he is in his 6th year at Hogwarts. He still has one more year to go.
odonnellzoo99 chapter 52 . 9/20/2024
I believe you succeeded in telling the difficult side of a soul bond, but they still had their HEA.
I believe this is also the only fic I’ve read that portrayed Rowena as a villian.
A good read.
Pillager61 chapter 52 . 9/1/2024
Well, I finished it.
Not real happy with it after about chapter 40.
But better than I can do. Thanks for sharing.
Pillager61 chapter 39 . 8/31/2024
Not at all happy with the immortal, near childless couple.
They both want such a big family and that's been crushed. I'd almost rather be dead than loose that dream they both had.
omh666 chapter 52 . 8/18/2024
Quite the end to an interesting story. I enjoy how you have the hardship, and death, and so on. Even while you have the good guys winning in the end. That's a balance a lot of people tend to have a hard time striking.
omh666 chapter 20 . 8/11/2024
This chapter feels like there's something missing from it. During the part where the kids go to the dog house, after Mrs. Weasley leaves, the next line is as follows:
"And Dobby is a…?"
But Dobby hasn't been mentioned at all up to this point in the chapter. It also doesn't say who asked the question. My only thought was maybe that Tonx was continuing a conversation from before the kids arrived, but then she clearly knows who Dobby is a couple lines later, so it wasn't her.

Also, that must be some cutting charm to wipe out an entire wall.
The Grangers eventually left after getting to know Hermione's friends better, and once they were gone, Sirius removed his wand and pointed at the walls
of one of the narrow halls. "Diffindo!"
The wall disappeared in a cloud of dust. "Now," he said. "How about some redecorating?"
Shepard14 chapter 48 . 3/30/2024
I really wanna just stop reading. The kidnapping and horcrux thing is making me not want to finish. UGH
Alwin-nl chapter 52 . 3/29/2024
Good writing, but I confess I’d hate to live like that - everyone you love dying, kids, grandkids… I don’t think anyone could live like that, for eternity.
Alwin-nl chapter 24 . 3/28/2024
No, not “a lot of muggles do that”.

Only Americans keep steadfastly mutilating their baby boys, in Europe and Asia only Jews and other backwater hillbilly religions do. And circumcision IS mutilation. And disgusting.
Alwin-nl chapter 4 . 3/28/2024
Something I’ve never understood is, sure Harry had to stay there for the blood wards - doesn’t mean the dursleys had to be there too. Or walking and breathing. Or even having a heartbeat. Drought or living death in them and voila, peace and quiet…
ressmania chapter 43 . 12/8/2023
Kematian Dumbledore disini sedih bgt
ressmania chapter 27 . 12/7/2023
plis Hermione end up sama Krum dong
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