Reviews for Awake in the Infinite Cold
blb1000 chapter 22 . 7/15/2024
Sniff! So good.
blb1000 chapter 20 . 7/15/2024
damn. James.
blb1000 chapter 18 . 7/15/2024
blb1000 chapter 17 . 7/15/2024
So sweet. Plus EmmettRose and AliceJasper.
blb1000 chapter 13 . 7/14/2024
can't wait until miss bella hears him play!
blb1000 chapter 5 . 7/13/2024
hmpf! so much for his guiding.
blb1000 chapter 3 . 7/10/2024
Guest chapter 22 . 4/5/2024
First read this what seems like a lifetime ago. I started reading it recently not remembering till a few chapters in that I had read it before. It brought me such sorrow and joy and I feel like it was a gift that I stumbled upon it again.
Just Sus chapter 22 . 7/9/2023
Thank you for this incredibly sad, incredibly beautiful story. I don't know what else to say!
Just Sus chapter 8 . 7/8/2023
So heartbreaking! Bella had such high hopes for Edward!
Just Sus chapter 7 . 7/8/2023
This is heart-wrenching! What now?
CynMar Rom chapter 22 . 6/10/2023
I should not be trying to not bawl my eyes out after midnight reading this beautiful, heartbreaking story.
It's given me all the feels. This is definitely not where I saw this story going. Good lord. It was so hard to read the last chapter.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story.
Pattigirl23 chapter 1 . 11/23/2022
Wow, this was TOUGH... but beautiful! I'm crying right now... Thank you so much for sharing. You are an amazing writer.
JaysWorld2 chapter 22 . 11/11/2022
This was haunting and amazing. Such a wonderfully sad story, that hadd me hanging onto every word. Which is saying something, as I have a bad habit of skimming when I read (I blame a history professor who taught me it was the only way to get through enormous piles of reading material in college...).

I don't know if you still read reviews, but I still want to say thank you for writing this story. It was beautiful.
VryUnique chapter 22 . 10/2/2022
I understand but I’m disappointed.
Was James caught? What happened to Edward’s mother?
Did Alice expect Edward to run and leave Bella behind?
Why did Edward even leave the facility? What did he have to do?
This all happened because of Jasper. I hope he is aware of that.
He knew James was dangerous or he wouldn’t have walked Edward
home every night.
Even more than an unhappy ending I hate people not getting what’s
coming to them.
Thank you for the story, it was pretty awesome up until the last chapters.
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