Reviews for The Professor's Discretion
deuces789 chapter 1 . 9/27
W o w. So well done, and the ending was like a punch to the stomach. So beautifully bittersweet.
CRoseSing chapter 22 . 8/14
Oh wow, I like that ending. I also like how you only covered parts of the final battle that differed from the book.
Guest chapter 22 . 8/5
A Masterpiece.

Open-ended, yet brilliant all the same in portraying a SnapeXHermione conclusion - only Ron's heartbreak, disbelief and rage may take a loooot of time before the Golden Trio gets reformed.

The ~Finite Incantatem~ endings, is one commonly used in HP fanfics to indicate the writing charm to end, sort of like a FIN. But in this scenario Severus may also have had one last thing before he finished his glass of wine, cast Finite Incantatem on the coin, rendering it null and void.

WeasleyXHermoine conclusion - Hermoine cannot imagine herself with Ron anymore, yet she found solace and assistancd from the Twins when she very much needed it : although George may also be grieving for Fred, they may find comfort in each other were Snape to finish his glass of wine and Hermoine would be none the wiser if Severus decides to put on a spy mask. On the other hand Hermoine might just look for comfort in the dull embrace of what is known with Ron.

Cat Lady Minister - Hermoine no longer pursues romance and solely focuses on the slow war. The treatment of muggle-borns, of checking for Orphanned and Abused (For Harry and Severus), of house-elfs and other non-human beings. She's also surrounded by Crookshanks and a black greasy cat named Sev.
Guest chapter 22 . 6/14
Great story!
Guest chapter 22 . 3/3
Oh gosh. I'm *sobbing*. Not that that's recently been anything uncommon reading these fics...

But that was beautiful. I'm so glad. So glad for both of them. The patronus was a beautiful touch. I would've been satisfied with that bittersweet ending of his death, but he lives! As beautiful as ending it half chap would've been, you gave us hope. Thank you.

And thank you for the wonderful read.
britbloom chapter 8 . 2/22
Go, Crooks! Loving the development!
Guest chapter 22 . 1/18
I still love this story after all these years; and after all these years, I still wish when Severus saw Hermione again he'd want to live. The Professor's Discretion is still my favorite HG/SS fanfiction of all time. I know this story isn't registered as an official pairing, but the undertone is undeniable. A part of me keeps hoping you'll write a continuation, but years down the road where he is alive and they're married and have kids, and when they graduate that's the only reason he goes back to Hogwarts. He's found peace that doesn't involve poison. Lily doesn't deserve all of his happiness, before he even called her a mudblood she smirked that James had strung Severus up by his ankle and was going to pull his pants off! That's in the effing books!
CheshireLion chapter 22 . 12/20/2023
I can't believe I'm here again, 13 years after reading your story for the first time (and I'm not sure it was complete at that time!) What a beauty.
Maria221B chapter 22 . 11/20/2023
i just needed them to be finally together
Kristineku chapter 22 . 9/19/2023
Holy McShit, I love this. So goood! Kudos! 33
Guest chapter 22 . 4/23/2023
I really wish to
Guest chapter 11 . 3/31/2023
I do think that the implication that Hermione's natural speaking voice is shrill and annoying is a little sexist and the pureblood prejudice seemed like some dumb reverse racism stuff
Dimac99 chapter 22 . 3/28/2023
Oh my goodness! What a rollercoaster! Fantastically well written. You had me in tears at *that* bit, then you gave me hope, then you took it away again... I don't know what to make of that ending. But what a fic. If any fic could use a 19-years-later epilogue, it's this one, just so we'd know if he was still alive. I did think the time turner was going to come back into play, actually, and that Hermione would be the one to save him, coming back better prepared. I kinda feel like there *was* meant to be an epilogue so that we would know Hermione did get to save him, but from himself which is actually way more difficult than from Bella. I'm as exhausted as Snape now. Well, maybe only as exhausted as Hermione then.
Blackdraumdancer chapter 22 . 1/2/2023
This was genius. I don't know how I missed this story before, but once I started I couldn't stop reading the whole thing, almost in one go. And a heck of a cliffhanger at the end'
Thank you very much for sharing your story with us, this is a true gem.
Annie C chapter 22 . 11/28/2022
Wow! One of the best HP fanfics I've ever read; love the bittersweet (but just a bit hopeful?) ending. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
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