Reviews for I Hate You with an Insurmountable Passion
AstridCullen chapter 16 . 10/12/2023
loved this! thanks for sharing
ECullen4ever chapter 15 . 10/1/2019
Loved it all!
wardlyman chapter 13 . 11/26/2018
So does Alice know the full story like you written Bella to tell her? Because her response is actually stupid..

Just as stupid as Edward even..
wardlyman chapter 12 . 11/26/2018
All the over dramatics and so many things just don't make any sense...

I mean it's common for Writers to have these characters make stupid unreal choices... But it still gets on my nerves..
Guest chapter 16 . 6/23/2018
This was just fucking amazing. I don't usually leave comments, but you deserve one. And the sex scenes are just incredible. well done
Jesstew chapter 14 . 2/15/2018
"Glad you finally learned how to use a door." Best line ever. I laughed so much just imaging Carlisle's face seeing Bella climb the tree for over a year and say nothing. :D
mommymac0508 chapter 16 . 8/8/2017
Oh wow from friends to enemies to lovers what a ride
ProfessionalFangirl16 chapter 16 . 7/25/2017
Hey, I really enjoyed this story! Good job!
Guest chapter 12 . 12/10/2016
Why is she always such a bitch? She wants him but always rejects him like the bitch she is
Guest chapter 11 . 12/10/2016
Poor Edward
WingsOfEyeliner chapter 16 . 11/21/2016
Such a great story! Absolutely loved it and wish there was more. Loved Bella and Edward. Wonderful writing. Thank you!
jk chapter 13 . 9/14/2016
I think that was some seriously awful advice that alice gave bella. I don't think she was "making it bigger then it was". Edward was a complete and total fucking douchbag to bella.
He got with tanwhore and gave her his he could "get over" bella without even telling bella about his feelings for your virginity away is a huge fucking deal...I mean if he had said something they could have been their one and onlys and that's a HUGE DEAL
jk chapter 3 . 9/14/2016
manwhore says hes not a manwhore and bella believes him?
I really don't get that

and if you've been hearing rumors of what a nasty skank someone is wouldn't you make them get tested for stds first? seriously
starsmina chapter 16 . 5/15/2016
I simply fell in love with this story. It had all the typical high school hierarchy and friends who split apart over nothing.
Gagika chapter 16 . 4/24/2016
Lovely story. I prefer admittedly when the fiction is about college or maybe working world... ooookay I'm getting officially old! ;-)
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