Reviews for We Met Two Years Ago
god of all chapter 70 . 5/1/2016
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
Lorien Legacy chapter 69 . 3/21/2016
good chapter
rebirth-flame chapter 69 . 3/19/2016
Ohhh- Mina showing up is actually making this fic more realistic than the canon. It explains Athrun's miraculous survival better. And the fact she gave The Brat some ass whooping is a plus XD.
6SkullAngel chapter 69 . 3/19/2016
I never expected that you would pull that mobile suit into your story..
This waay is better than Shinn thinking killing someone again and failing because he misses the cockpit while aiming for it.
Good job!
RikuDai chapter 69 . 3/19/2016
Oh my oh my oh my I can't wait for the next chapter! About time Cagalli appears
foureyesfreak27 chapter 69 . 3/19/2016
Thanks for the update and as always great chapter. Can't wait till the next update!
god of all chapter 69 . 3/19/2016
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
Web Slinger Spidey chapter 68 . 2/7/2016
Well damn... So that happened...
Guest chapter 68 . 2/6/2016
A great chapter glad to see you are still updating the story. I can understand what you did to Nicol it feels like he lost everything after that battle two years ago. He fell deeper in his own darkness. Having atheun talk to Meyrin and make her decide on her own to leave the Minerva was great as well. The only thing I really didn't like from this chapters was Nicols parents reaction. I can understand his fathers but his mother seems to be the one who would support him regardless. You should also make that spy part of the archangel as well maybe a future love interest of Meyrin.
6SkullAngel chapter 68 . 2/6/2016
Wow...did not see that coming. with small changes you change a lot but stay very close to the original.
Nicole with a mental break down. Brilljant
Nicole take down. Can't stop laughing XD
an Spy to help out Athrun on his way? awesome.
Very very nice!
rebirth-flame chapter 68 . 2/6/2016
I think it's a somewhat weak reason for Nicol. I mean, his characters on Seed is told as someone who is a pacifist through and through, he values life so much that's why he enlisted to Zaft in the first place: to protect lives. It's hard to see him as someone so driven by rage like that. Sounds as if someone abducted and brainwashed him to replace the original Nicol with another personality. If Nicol were still... sane, he'd see that the Chairman's Destiny Plan (I'm kinda lost here, is Athrun really aware of this plan in its entirety?) has no place for naturals like Mayura and co, since they're genetically a lesser human being than coordinators, because the world would be a place where the strong remains strong and the weak has no hope to compete (genetically speaking). So yeah, it is weird for Nicol to accept and follow Durandal's plan. That's what I think.

On another note, lol Rey is way creepier here than in the anime XD Maybe it's because I can see what he's thinking and oooh boy is he one obsessive creep. If I haven't already pitied Shinn for being stuck with the guy in the anime then I'm sure I will after this chapter.
Hinate chapter 68 . 2/6/2016
Kira Lacus Forever...
First thing i'm really happy that you updated :D
About Nicol sigh that guy sure is wicked i really don't have anything to say about him n im quite interested in what Kazuma gonna do i wonder if he's the Kazuma i think he is and That Punch Line back to Rei fm Athrun was reaaally amazing i laughed soo hard : I felt same about Providence being destroyed it was sooo good xD that Rei's face and i really wanna thank you about Meyrin's thought about Kira Lacus i always always wondered what she was thinking about em...
hopefully there would be more next ...
Thank you soo much again... and sorry for all my rudeness b4 i really really looking forward for next...
Hinate chapter 67 . 1/1/2016
Kira Lacus Forever...
WOW i m kinda shocked a lil i really thought Nicol Athrun with Luna and Meylin all 4 would leave zaft in here... how wrong i was xD well last few fics i kinda doubted even hoped athrun would kick some sense in Nicol i even wished if he had never survived he seems way worse than Yzak...
i'll be waiting for next chap hoopefully it doesnt take too long and i really wanna see some people get killed badly in here... reaaally hoping it would be Kira Lacus moments and less with all these battles and depressing stuffs... They made me unimaginably Happy and i cant begin to tell the exact feelings its too pleasant ...
cya next time o/ its kinda sad i have to stop since these past weeks all i did was read it i reaaaaaaally reaaaaaaally loved the plot n everything BEST thing ever Kira and Lacus always together ... fm the moment they moment n married of all the things it wass best thing i could ever ask You might have no idea but i loved it sooooo soo soo much... well when i think about it comparing to that this 1 kinda seemed depressing for me and i really hoped n wished and Lacus wouldnt leave for Eternal alone ... well hoping this really goes for best..
Best Regards...
Thank you sooooooo much for these...
Hinate chapter 63 . 12/31/2015
Kira and Lacus Forever...
what's the point of fic if its same as canon some people r sooo hard to understand and YOU HAVE No idea in HELL how much i hate Shin ... that i could kill tht bastard when he would have been born w/o 2nd thought...
Hinate chapter 62 . 12/31/2015
Kira Lacus Forever...
lol you kidding me Rau n best... that was most funniest thing i ever heard... Kira could easily beat it if he was totally trying to kill it and it was Providence with stuffs like Mu's ex-mobile armor... well this chap really made me cry..
for once i know i love em too much that anyone can even begin to understand...
Lacus and Kira forever...
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