Reviews for We Met Two Years Ago
FijS5 chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3UPkst0rinc
VN4M8 chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c3Tevst0ri2k
1g6I7 chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
Veri n1c3l8Pst0riG3
god of all chapter 83 . 9/1/2018
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
xrail chapter 83 . 9/1/2018
nice chapter but i think you mistook cosplay for crossplay :D
Sakibara Yuki chapter 83 . 9/1/2018
good job man, keep at it,,
Lorien Legacy chapter 81 . 3/23/2018
excellent chapter
asucaga chapter 81 . 3/19/2018
Thanks for update hope i can see u write more about athrun and cagalli in next chapter
Guest chapter 80 . 12/22/2017
I actually do agree on that part about Shinn. It seems that prior to joining ZAFT, his mind and life pretty much seemed to revolve around Mayu and Mayu only. This is evident from the memento he carries which belonged to the Younger Asuka (Her Pink Cell phone). This goes to show that Shinn valued his Sister above anything and all else before she had died in canon. While I do do found that part heart warming about the Elder Asuka, I actually literally thought they were a couple instead of siblings, back when I first watched GSD. Lol. Especially since the two were EXTREMELY close. Lol, this is also another reason why I believe there is still hope for Shinn to change and defect from ZAFT. Just need Mayu's memories to return.

Looks like the awaited battle of Heaven's Base has now finally commenced. And nice twist adding the GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam into this. Will the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam, and the GAT-X370 Raider Gundam appear as well? Looking forward to next chapter, and lol at Shinn's sleep talking dream.
6SkullAngel chapter 80 . 12/22/2017
Yeah in cannon he only metions his sister. its weird. but Shin was mentally never really normal. awesome chapter.
Lorien Legacy chapter 80 . 12/20/2017
great chapter
RedRat8 chapter 80 . 12/20/2017
You're not the only one to think that. I honestly do think that Shinn's a bit off, if not very off in the head.
god of all chapter 80 . 12/20/2017
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
PegasusInCage chapter 79 . 10/14/2017
Lacus: cute couple KiraxLacus
Mee: Best couple Athrun x Cagalli
why you named the baby boy Kenji? what's the reason? I think it's too familiar, tbh i don't like it. Ah! please add Attha before Zala for the babies. Attha is the important family in Orb for Cagalli also.. Attah Zala!
for Andy is up to you
Angeline chapter 79 . 10/9/2017
super chapitre , il fallait s'attendre que cagalli soit enceinte de jumeaux vus quelle est la soeur jumelle de kira . quand Mayu va savoir pour son frere quel va etre sa reaction. vivement la suite.
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