Reviews for The Late Late Show With Edward Cullen
JD Thorn chapter 35 . 12/8/2024
I absolutely LOVED this story and will probably read it again soon. I am putting the link in a favorites folder so I can access it easily. I only wish I could review more than once per chapter.
JD Thorn chapter 34 . 12/8/2024
When he whispered “Everything all right?”, she should have whispered “I think I’m in labor.” That would have been funny and kept him on his toes.
JD Thorn chapter 33 . 12/8/2024
Great epilogue. Great concept to end a great story.
JD Thorn chapter 31 . 12/8/2024
I KNEW IT! A perfect proposal for them! And OSCARs! I know that she’ll win too!
JD Thorn chapter 28 . 12/8/2024
Rose already told us in one of the previous chapters that they were thinking about moving in together and it would be her place because it’s way bigger than his and it’s already paid for. Why does it now say that it’s HALF WAY paid for? Maybe a typo? As far as the interview, Kate was out of line asking those questions especially with HER OWN past. Bella was right in giving her a piece of her mind and Rose should already have discretion or final say about the printed interview before it goes into production. If Kate is out of line in print she and the magazine could be sued for libel and defamation of character, so she better watch it if she knows what’s good for her. Her past could also be bought up in a court case against her giving motive to her bad behavior if it should happen that way too. Reading on…
JD Thorn chapter 23 . 12/7/2024
You’re allowed to have fun and talk while having sex, but their are some guidelines to follow: No mentioning of parents (mothers in particular) or exes, or the opposite sex (as in someone ELSE that turns you on), and nothing designed to turn your partner off either. I’m sure that there are more but I can’t think of them right now. Great chapters (the previous 5 too) and I am ABSOLUTELY LOVING this story.
JD Thorn chapter 16 . 12/5/2024
That “I love you” was absolutely PERFECT! Now I know that is how he needs to propose to her, cause we all know it’s coming. I can’t wait!
JD Thorn chapter 14 . 12/5/2024
Ruh Roh! Charlie was a bit unexpected. I hope he is nice to Edward in his own house. I also hope Bella can handle him, sorta the way Edward handled Esme. Speaking of, she is probably extremely unhappy about now and pouty. I hope she excepts Bella sometime, but it’s her problem if she doesn’t. She’ll be alienating her own son if she’s so bitter.
I bet Edward can visit the New Orleans set as much as he wants in between work and such. The’ll be in contact all the time.
JD Thorn chapter 13 . 12/5/2024
It would be funny if Angela was the one tweeting the Correct stuff as long as it is not intrusive or private info. And of course following tweets about yourself would probably be entertaining for the most part unless someone gets nasty. I’m wondering why a lot of their special important moments are happening on his show. Will he propose like that too? It would be funny if he did.
JD Thorn chapter 12 . 12/5/2024
I suppose good revenge is letting everyone know that TMZ was ABSOLUTELY lying - not an exaggeration, an out and out lie printed with no research at all. There really should be legal ramifications for something like that. Libel suits and severe fines.
JD Thorn chapter 11 . 12/5/2024
Esme has some nerve, demanding that Edward bring her over for brunch and then without even getting to know her, has the audacity to assume the worst of her. What an elite, entitled bitch. How dare she even assume anything bad about her. And what about Edward and his happiness? I really hope he give Esme a piece of his mind. I am also glad that he doesn’t really care what his parents think. He doesn’t need their approval - he is a grown adult (most of the time)!
JD Thorn chapter 8 . 12/5/2024
Absolutely NO LET DOWNS! So awesome that Edward didn’t want to be without her
JD Thorn chapter 6 . 12/5/2024
A Twilight tattoo! Awesome, what did you get? AI have one too. It’s on my profile picture. It’s the Eclipse book cover ribbon only it’s purple instead of red. I absolutely love this story too. Reading on…
JD Thorn chapter 5 . 12/4/2024
I hope she kicks their butts for eating her bean dip when there are more people coming over! Nice semi-lemons BTW. And as long as Jake is not an arse and a threat to their relationship then he can be as gay as he wants to be.
JD Thorn chapter 3 . 12/4/2024
I’m glad she is willing to try with Edward and not afraid of what the rag mags will say.
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