Reviews for Absolution's Pursuit
GollyGeeWiz chapter 15 . 7/28/2013
Oooooooooo, LA LA. You had that coming to you Sesshoumaru. You better answer Kagome's question honestly!
GollyGeeWiz chapter 14 . 7/28/2013
I guess this chapter turned out differently from what I expected to, but then again I'm not the writer, so I shouldn't be surprised if I'm surprised.
BTW, does Sesshoumaru have two arms in your story? I've read so many other fictions where he either has one or both. I'm not even sure anymore if you already addressed this earlier in the story and I'm just now catching it.
GollyGeeWiz chapter 13 . 7/28/2013
Oh man! I was hoping that Kagome would tell Sesshoumaru about her dream on her own terms. Oh well.. But at least there's a slight role reversal here, it looks like Kagome will be the "aggressor" in the chapters to come. Can't wait!
GollyGeeWiz chapter 12 . 7/28/2013
Hmm, I wonder if Kagome will reveal her dream to Sesshoumaru . He deserves to know that his father can be just as underhanded as himself.
GollyGeeWiz chapter 11 . 7/28/2013
This chapter was particularly sweet. I would hope that you would enjoy your own story!
GollyGeeWiz chapter 10 . 7/26/2013
I guess change can't happen overnight. Unfortunately, I need a few hours of shut eye myself. I need to be attentive for the next chapter. TBC...
GollyGeeWiz chapter 9 . 7/26/2013
Sesshoumaru, you're such a crafty bastard!
GollyGeeWiz chapter 8 . 7/26/2013
I'm eating your words right now. No time for a long review; to busy stuffing my face
GollyGeeWiz chapter 7 . 7/26/2013
What a blow to his pride! To know that he not only must completely reverse his feelings and actions towards humanity, but also to acknowledge that his life will depend on that change. And if course, the well has great timing as usual...
GollyGeeWiz chapter 6 . 7/26/2013
So glad you're such a good writer! I'm starting to develop a deep empathy for each of your characters. I hate how other fictions flatten so many characters and turn them into boring nobodies. You're treating everyone so tenderly, even if they don't appear for very long. I'll try to review every chapter since you deserve the recognition.
GollyGeeWiz chapter 3 . 7/26/2013
Wow! This is so beautifully written so far. It's so hard for me to get excited about a fanfic anymore. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm gonna keep reading now.
sesshykagslover chapter 22 . 6/23/2013
I found this story yesterday and read it. . And oh my kawaiiii. . I love it. . Thx for sharing mistress sianna. . Keep going on your the other story
Moons-Chan chapter 22 . 11/19/2012
It's both a really sad yet happy ending, a very intriguing and interesting mix!
rei-intro-rini chapter 22 . 9/7/2012
Yo ! that was one beautiful story you wrote on Sesshoumaru & Kagome ...I enjoyed reading it!

It is obvious that you're a real good writer...your story flows and also sweeps the reader along with it :D
I should say your concept was really nice...even the story and environment you set for the story in the prologue was really good !
Mainly I liked it because you were able to capture the true character & personality of Kagome n Sesshoumaru and kept it like that...the story was well developed without the usual cliche ...
Considering it was drama, I really enjoyed the way displayed the emotions, the inner-turmoils! (at times my eyes brimmed with tears)
though at times I felt that it was missing if a little spark to it...I was waiting for something big to happen but didn't really happen ...and the ending seemed a little bland! I realized that Sesshoumaru got the absolution but somehow that fact didn't come-out as highlighted part ..

Well thank you for writing such a beautiful piece of Kag-Sess fan-fiction & sharing with us..
rei-intro-rini chapter 1 . 9/5/2012
Wow! that's a beautiful opening- prologue. :)
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