Reviews for Property Of
Library Drone SAR chapter 25 . 4/22/2012
Ya know I was re reading this story today (bad college student. I should be studying...) and I was reminded of why I'm always so anxious for the next chapter. I love skywarp and TC in this and actually really hope they'll be brought over to the Autobot side (Unlikely I know) for the soul purpose of them learning English and having a conversation with Miles. Also I couldn't stop giggling over the fuzzy footie pajama outfit that you have him wearing. I also kinda wish we could see preceptor and his gaggle of humans at some point.
Rose Jennison chapter 25 . 4/21/2012
I absolutely loved TC and Skywarp in this chapter! You could feel the bond between them, and I liked Skywarp as the impulsive little brother. :) They were sweeter than I expected them to be.

Part of me now wonders what it would be like if they did get a human. I hope we get to see more of them in future chapters.
Rose Jennison chapter 24 . 4/20/2012
Awwww. Poor Will. :( I can understand why he reacts that way though. He's been living with this tragedy for so long he's probably afraid of getting his hopes up, along with the fact that under normal circumstances he would be taken out for his personal involvement.

The whole thing with Wildrider was rather unnerving. O.o I wonder what these events will lead into...

Great chapter. Looking forward to the others. :)
Rose Jennison chapter 23 . 4/17/2012
I have to get this out of my system... YES! We finally get the reveal that Sam, Mikaela and the bots know Annabelle! I can't wait to see where things go from here!

Ok, now I can explain myself a little. I've been reading this story over the past week or so. I haven't posted a review yet because when a story has this many chapters I like to read most or all of the currently available chapters before sharing any opinions. The final revelation of Will and Annie being related made me finally sit down and say something. :)

First off, I must say this this fic is very well balanced. It has a good pace, telling enough to give a feeling of satisfaction for each chapter and laying enough hooks to keep you wanting more. I also really like how, in the chapters before human sentience is discovered, you wrote many of the scenes from both the human and Bot perspective. These different perspectives give a more in depth feel to the characters and the world itself.

On that note, I love how you've done many of the characters. They all seem very real for the situations they are in. Sam and Mikaela's differing reactions to the situation are very nice, no one responds to a stressful event in exactly the same way after all. Bee is always cute and cool, being so protective right from the start. Even if he did treat the kids as pets it's hard to be angry with him. It actually makes me feel bad when he starts feeling so guilty about the whole situation!

I think you write Prime very well also. Even though we don't see him as much as some of the other characters I can get a feel for what he's going through. With all the careful measured steps he takes in trying to solve the problems with Earth, and keep everything else balanced at the same time, I can get a sense of what an incredible weight lies on his shoulders. (or whatever Cybertronians call their shoulders.) It also allows his good leadership qualities and compassion to shine through.

Ironhide and Annabelle are always fun too. I like the little parts that are told from Annabelle's point of view, they're always really cute and provide a new way of looking at the whole thing. She's a great example of how strong and adaptable kids can be, I think sometimes we don't give kids enough credit in that area. And of course it's always fun to see both the rough and gentle side in Ironhide. :)

Will's internal struggle is well done too. It's definitely there, but it's subtle and not shoved in your face. I hope he and Sarah can start healing when they find out that Annie's okay.

Miles and Prowl make an interesting pair too. If Prowl was missing the Twins before he shouldn't be now! :P It's great to see the caring side of Prowl come to light now and then. I'm glad you kept Miles in too, it's nice to have characters that can see the lighter side of the situation without being a complete annoyance. And he's not a total goof either, he can be more serious when the situation calls for it. I get the feeling he can be really strong when he wants to be. It's a great way to flesh out a rather minor character from the movie.

Jazz serves a similar purpose in a way, a more light hearted character in a very serious and sticky situation. It's good to have him there to take a little of the awkwardness out of the whole debacle. Please don't make him go down the same route as the Bay movie version!

The story is done pretty well too. I like how you don't take the very first thing that could potentially lead to them discovering the human's sentience and have it actually lead to that. You take your time with it, and give us a few hooks to keep us coming back. The tone of the story seems to fit nicely as well. We get the dark seriousness of a people being enslaved and a planet bled dry, but it's blended nicely with the more fluffy and lighthearted scenes between several of the characters.

I appreciate the little Author's notes you have the beginning and start of each chapter as well. Its helpful that your so open with everything and answer the questions so dutifully. They really do help with understanding some of the story elements. I suppose one downside to that was, if this were a real book or something, you wouldn't be able to do that with every chapter. So if you ever wanted to write something that was going to be published you might want to find in text ways of answering the reader's questions.

On the subject of reader questions, do you think all the Autobots will end up with human charges? Bee, Hide and Prowl are really the only ones with official charges right now. I can totally see Jazz eventually becoming Epps's guardian though. :D

And I sort of understand your dilemma with making time for this story. I'm in college right now too, and it can be hard to find time for study, work, fun, relationships and creativity. I'm very grateful that you've stayed with it and put so much effort into each chapter. It really is a delight to read. Thanks, and keep up the good work!

Good luck with homework and Finals!

Rose Jennison
Guest chapter 27 . 4/11/2012
SOOOOOOOOOO glad you are still writing this. I haven't revisited since probably chapter 14 or so.

Please keep going. This is easily the best Transformers fic I've ever read.
FeatherTrinity chapter 27 . 3/29/2012
So Lennox finally met the infamous Ironhide and Ironhide met the infamous Lennox, and Annabelle is just having a great time all around! Cute 3 im just waiting for the Autobots to discover music, or Sam to finally crack from boredom, or Miles to end up fighting some messed up Cybertronian guard-humans on a mission... I don't know XD anything to instigate some human-mech fluff :3 I absolutley LOVE this story, one of the best fanfictions I've personally ever read :D you're doing a fantastic job and I'm curious to see how you'll bring about the climax without making it just like the movie's... Anyhow, great job and hope to see the next chapter soon! Keep writing! )

Beowulf828 chapter 27 . 3/25/2012
Ok dude, took me a LONG time to read ALL your chapters, and I couldn't sit down and read them all in one sitting cause of my ADHD, but let me tell you...I LOVE YOUR STORY! Seriously, I am stuck in Florida for the time being and you just helped me kill some serious boredom/time, and I couldn't be happier. I am SUPER excited for your next chapter. Please tell me though, that Jazz will not die, because as far as I am concerned Michael Bay was an ass for killing Jazz, and Ironhide. No rhyme or reason, he just goes about killing the characters we love. DON'T BE MICHAEL BAY!
Gibelyou chapter 27 . 3/22/2012
A good chapter. I have been lookin forward to annabelle returning him since before the mechs figured out English. Next we are going to see either Annabelle defending the mechs as nice robots to her mother, or possibly the first attempt at samnapping. I hear you about free time btw. I'm not at home as much as I used to be and it has been slowing my own efforts. Have fun!
Indigo Flare chapter 27 . 3/21/2012
This is one of my favorite stories of all time! But I do have to ask, whatever happened to Beachcomber? I was looking forward to seeing his reaction to Sam and Mikaela's sentience. Is he coming back soon? 3
Faecat chapter 27 . 3/19/2012
I am so happy that Annabelle is back with her family! Though I can't help but to feel so badly for Ironhide. Poor mech, such a softy at spark.

I liked the little bit with Swindle. That's a mech I never trust - any time I see him pop up - and the fact that he was so cooperative makes me nervous. He's up to something shady. Well, shady-er.

Excited for more!
Themulesrule1902 chapter 27 . 3/19/2012
There is going to be a Transformers 4 movie? Really?

Can you tell me where did you find that info?

Plus I am happy that Seymour has been added to the story. :)

This is a good chapter.
Harm Marie chapter 27 . 3/19/2012
Liked this.
LT-NightWarp chapter 27 . 3/19/2012
YAY! update! the reunion was masterfully done, from ironhide grudgingly letting go of "his" annabelle to Lennox fear and want and worries. Poor Swindle.. he doesnt know there was... more than met the eye to that meeting
DreamFeathers chapter 27 . 3/19/2012
You should have heard the happy squeal when I saw that you had updated Property Of :D ...I think half of the Scotland heard that one... I've started reading the story from beginning (yes, AGAIN). I really enjoy how you change your writing style completely depending on whose POV you're writing from, best examples being Miles and Prowl. This time I've been printing out a copy for myself with your previous permission. *chuckle* I don't know if you realise, but if you print just the story part as times new roman, 12 points, double sided printing (and i've been rather pocketing pages individually than puncturing, saves wear and tear), just 12 chapters have managed to make quite a hefty pile :D (almost a full folder. i mean, with above settings, you tend to write 14-17 pages per chapter avarage)


About the latest chapter.

I really loved how you dug into Prime and Prowl starting to circle Swindle. It was like watching NCIS, Gibbs stalking with a snarl after his criminal... *cheeky grin*

For some reason I really love following the Miles/Prowl and Nick/Wheeljack team ups :D And I would DEFINITELY love to hear more about plotting from Perceptor's team. :P

Ah, and finally to the meet and greet of Ironhide and Lennox. That actually went a lot more smoother than I thought that it might. Ironhide was taking things well... erm... I just don't think it would be a good idea for Lennox to hide Annabelle from 'Hide's optics for too long time XD

I dunno if it's hilarious or sad, but definitely ironical that Simons has managed to survive this far one, alive, two, still having his job, three, not captured. XD I don't think he's going to take it too easy when the news finally reaches his ears.(for some reason I'm thinking another Transformers fic, Appocalypse for earth's political and etc life strcuture reference)

Also, If you don't mind, I've also been scribling down few points/questions that have been nagging at my curiosity for a long time, but i've always forgotten to ask. :P

- In the beginning, Miles was sold to a Silver mech and in the beginning of Mile's memories, he's still silver for couple of first mentions, but then he changes into Indigo. :P have i missed a change here somewhere? :P

- I've noticed the increasing severity of crowds buzzling together omniously on the streets. You evil plotting a rampaging rebellion to over throw Prime, or "Decepticons Strike Back".

- Recalling Swindle's secret meetings with his trade partners, the order to wipe out all human pets to get rid of all traces, and the files Leadfoot tried to steal from Prowl's computer (seriously, who's stupid enough to try and steal from Prowl?), the messed up assassination attempt that took down Bee, and perhaps Wild Rider wasn't as crazy as he seemed, with all these LOVELY conspiracy theories building up... i love paranoid multilayered conspiracies...

- What's the news with Crosswise and Firewall who came to earth with Jazz? How are the guys holding up their end? Have they come across any scattered humans or decepticons to trail?

- How's Perceptor and Shapr Focus doing? Does their human, Loosewire, happend to be the same human Miles teamed up with briefly, Carlie?

Oh geesh... this one turned into a LONG ramble again and might not be too coherent, I'm afraid :P (still giddy about the new chapter). In any case, good luck with the school, and hope that you survive. And if the little rats get too annoying you can always tell them that their mum and dad makes them to suffer the whole nine yards 'cuz they weren't wanted :P Alternative option being going gun-ho and getting nine-to-life of writing peace, depending of the casualty meter. And I'm curious of the Transformers 4 too. I heard rumours that there isn't going to be any humans, so it's possible that it could be a "prequel" for the first movie.
smokingcaramels chapter 27 . 3/18/2012
WHAT? A fourth one! I mean, I don't think I could handle anymore Michael Bay mangling but knowing me I'll still watch it.

I LOVED this chapter. LIke, probably one of my favorites. I mean, I love Miles and Prowl, Annabelle FINALLY gets to be reunited with her dad, and SIMMONS!
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