Reviews for Property Of
Rainspiral chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
hey I got an idea on a way to give a mini memorial for you dog! you know how sam ans mikala both have dogs? well what if you made an oc for miles based on your dog?bit could be the crew reflecting on their dogs or maybe dogs could be broght to cybertron or some thing. best regards for your stoey and soeey foer your loss.
518456154255 chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
This is such a freeking amazing story! I spent all afternoon reading it cuz I couldn't stop.

It's sad, all it would really take for the Autobots to figure out that the humans aren't 'animals' is a trip to earth to downlode some english off the web. To bad its only the cons that have thought of doing that.

Nice job.
Carebear1 chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
I think your portrayal of Miles was beautifully done. He had changed, but was still in some ways the same. You can't help but feel horrible for him, but marvel at his will to survive. I think he will come to trust Prowl even if the two have very conflicting personalities. Maybe if he meets Annabelle, he could be brought back even more from his fear. By the way, Quirk is a very good name for him. Great job at picking that one.
Liliesshadow chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
wow, that was a really crappy experience.

which mech was it that bought him?hmmm

indeed, this chapter was life changing as u put it!

update soon!
Harm Marie chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
Thank goodness someone is going to be taking proper care of him now.
Daoi Sidhe chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
*Snuggles Miles* Is it wrong that I can see him playing a game of Simon saids or follow the leader with Annabelle?

Wonderful work! 3
Phoenix Flight chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
Yay for happysafe!Miles
Blood Shifter2 chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
okay i will admit that i've been waiting for miles to show up again. had the feeling prowl would be the one for him. him or beachcomber. so glad they're together again. awesome chapter. keep up the good work. update soon please.
nessus chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
Oh my sweet goodness, how I waited for this one. Poor Miles, what a life hes been through. Thankfully hes with his best friend, Kaela and Bee, probably the best place to be if hes going to get his head straight again. Miles/Prowl seems to me a match made in Heaven; all the funny situations that can be derived from a frivolous boy and a rather stiff Mech..Whoooop.

I admit I am ravenous for more, this story simply does itfor me. There is a number of good writers on this site but right now I believe that you are the hottest one online. SO looking forward for more...feed me PLEASE!
Sunstreaker's Squishy chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
I would go crazy if I was some Decepticon's pet. Since OPtimus had an appearance, when will we see our favorite Decepticon leader?(No, not Starscream. The other favorite leader.)
Kittisbat chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
To tell the truth, I was more excited about Will showing up than Miles, but that was because *blushes* I sorta forgot about Miles. My bad! How could I have forgotten Miles? Though, I have to give myself credit, I /did/ guess correctly as to who he was before it was officially revealed.

Ironhide is going to feel sooooooo bad when the sentience is revealed. 'Bee, too, but he didn't own a child. Ah, the guilt... what fun. And then I see learning their language, and everyone freaking out... but there's more fun to be had before that comes up, I'm sure.

...Yeah, I really have nothing else to say. Good story, keep it up! I'll be waiting!
MissMary chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
I was worried that Miles would be neglected, but glad to see him show up. I hope he can learn to tolerate the mechs now that he is with ones who will not hurt him.
Kiruya chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
Awesome chapter! I can't wait for more!
Lady Shadowfire chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
Poor Miles! Oh my god, you nearly had me crying for him. Seriously, tears building up in my eyes and sniffles and everything.

The Prowl/Miles thing is a good combination, I think. Prowl just doesn't seem right without someone with a 'quirk' to rub him the wrong way. I've liked this pairing interaction since first readiing 'Apple' by Soului. Waiting eagerly for the next chapter!
cake chapter 6 . 6/10/2010
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