Reviews for Property Of
abby chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
So, i kind of love this story, i'm gonna be honest, i didn't think that I would love this story at all, but i really do like it alot and i'm glad that you're not planning on giving it up anytime soon. So, my question is this, I get that Prime is too busy to actively deal with the whole Earth thing right now, but i would imagine that the xenobiologists would have a few ships of their own and would be more than willing to make their own way to Earth, so where are they, or is their another species that their more concerned with?

You don't have to answer if you don't want to, i was just kind of wondering, oh, and did you get the term xenobiologist from the Ender Quartet by Orson Scott Card? If you didn't than it's cool, it's not like I'm accusing you of cheating or anything. Just wondering, oh, and you should totally read those, 'cause they rock.

Anyway, i'm rambling, so good luck on the story, it's beast so far!

Sanzo4ever chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
Cheers to the newest chapter! Moving on...this chapter may not have been 'actiony/incredibly fun' but Optimus Prime finally showed! When you said "Not fifteen feet away was the hugest mech Sam and Mikaela had ever laid eyes on," I somehow instantly knew -OPTIMUS!- and became insanely happy. Somehow, it doesn't seem to count as a TRUE Transformers thing without Optimus Prime popping up at least once. [which means my only Transformers-related dream was a complete rip-off...u_u]

ANYway [ignore my ramblings & spazzing]...I enjoyed this chapter [as usual]. I also appreciated the more in-depth insight into pet-treatment put in here AND...hurray for more mentions of suspicions of sentience. As for the next chapter, I dare not voice my speculations 'aloud' as I know they're almost guaranteed to be wrong. I can't wait for your next update! ~Sanzo4ever

PS:Sorry about your pet [dog?]- I went through the same thing with my AustralianShepherd two years ago. Hit me much harder than when my great grandma passed away only months earlier...
Rainspiral chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
FINALLY! I thought you died again. Quiet dieing yo foo! Speaking of gangsters, are the twins gona show up? And if so will they have humans?All so since Bee loved music so much I think it would be cool if he found some human singing or something.
nessus chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
primus be praised- the new chapter is here. It has been a matter of starvation for me. This story is rapidly becomming an obsession for YOURE GOOD.

Currently I am following 7 stories but yours is my absolute fave;D

In the storyline, things are heating on how Humans are treated made me remember that there are people in real jeopardy with some mechs too. And the thoughts on euthanasia was downright chilling.

Food for thought indeed- like, how are we treating our own animals?

Well, I am a very happy woman, with the next chapter on the way, something to look forward to. YAY.

I am certainly looking forward for more, Maestro:D, Ill be right with you. Never stop

PS- Im sorry about your dog,it always hurts like hell when we lose a being close to us
phoebe turner chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
great chapter!
Sunstreaker's Squishy chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
Life changing? A lot of possible scenarios popping in my head. This story is one of the ones I really look forward to read. Thank you!
MissMary chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
I agree with you that it would not be easy to prove if humans are sentient or not outside of our world, unless there was a means to communicate. The datepad does offer possibilities, though... Good progress; I am interested in what Optimus has in mind.
gammon-is-a-fish chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
I smiled at the computer screen when I saw a new update. Yayyyy!

No, you won't find an account for me on FF, I'm not allowed to join or load anything thats not absolutley necessary due to having a spazzy computer.

I can still read your stories though, and I do! Regularly! I'm a big fan of this story in particular.

I feel bad for you losing a pet. It's like losing a family member. I hope you feel better soon.

Now - on to the review! Although you say that this isn't an eventful chapter, it still had enough POW to get my heart racing for them! Poor lil guys getting scared by big old Optimus! This was a very smooth chapter that has begun to gell a lot of the key componants of this story together. The characters are very believeable and they work well together. I love Bumblebee the best! He's awesome and very understanding and kind towards the pets. Wheeljack is brilliant to have around as he has a unique percpective and notices things the other mechs miss. I hope that someone finds out about thier intelligence soon, the anticipation is killing me!

I think you also do well with the tone of the story. When others write about human pets, they make it the most important factor in the whole of Cybertron, or Earth, or wherever the story is set. You have done well in realising that the mechs have other important duties, such as politics for Optimus, funding for Perceptor and work for Bumblebee, and just generally giving the mechs a life which doesn't involve the subject of human pets. In reality, if you think about pets, most people couldn't give a rats ass about them, and just ignore them in thier daily lives. I'm glad that you are looking at the wider picture, and you are doing it brilliantly!

(I don't know if I made sense there, but I hope you see what I'm getting at!)

One question though, what exactly does Ironhide and Ratchet do all day long? Unlike the other mechs who have jobs, they don't seem to have any purpose other than lurk around the Ark. Do they have some robot retirement or something?

Overall a very good chapter, and I am very eagerly waiting for the next one! I hope it will be here sooner than this one. I was beginning to despair! Lol!


Kittisbat chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
It's always sad to lose a pet. I've lost all three of my childhood pets now (an iguana, a cat, and a dog,) and at least one of them had a hard time of it. My dog always had... issues, I suppose that came from being chewed up by two german sheperds when he was a puppy, but it was horrible at the end... Anyway, I'm sure your dog is better off now and quite happy you took such good care of... her?

As for the chapter, I absolutely love it. They look up, and as soon as they say red, blue, and silver, I screamed in my mind (and whispered out loud) OPTIMUS! Though that I didn't get it earlier disappoints me a little...

C'mon Percy, Bee, Ratchet the Hatchet! Figure it out! All the clues are there, you just have to put them together...
Lady Shadowfire chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
I love my timing. I was just about to send you a message wondering about an update, but you updated just as I was about to click the button! Lol. I very much like your Optimus in this, and the way he's portrayed from a human perspective. Honestly, if I came across Optimus in real life and couldn't understand a word he was saying, I think I'd be reacting much worse than them...

Odd thought that came to me as I was rereading this. In one of the earlier chapters Mikaela made a joke about how hairy her legs would be without all the neccesary stuff. But what about Sam's face? He's of an age that he should be shaving every few days. If he doesn't at least have stubble yet, he should soon... and what will 'Bee say at the sudden and unusual growth of a beard?
randomness621 chapter 8 . 5/31/2010
please update soon i've been checking so often and i'm starting to lose hope. i would really like to see what happpend to sam and mika and bumblebee. please update.
petite chapter 6 . 5/24/2010

Brilliant story.

I was actually really surprised, but nicely so.

You took quite an admittedly cliche subject and gave it lots of twists, and really made it your own.

It's really original and I love it!

Looking forward to future updates.
Themulesrule1902 chapter 8 . 5/21/2010
Well that was a good chapter and I love the part were Sam,Mikaela get to meet and hang out with Annabelle and telling her not to make Ironhide cry. Cute! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Player3 chapter 8 . 5/18/2010
Peeka-chan chapter 8 . 5/6/2010
Wow. Just wow. I love this story-I find the plot fresh and fun (even if it is slightly based off other fics-I now need to find and read them). Anabelle is pure adorableness and I am eagerly anticipating the next chapter. I really want to see Sam and Mikaela's reactions to Inferno-will they see him as an invader or not? Also, I'm really rooting for Miles to be the "rouge human" Prowl was sent after. I would pay to see the interactions between the two. Prowl would probably fritz. _ Good luck in writing the next chapter-I'm on the edge of my seat!
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