Reviews for Property Of
Rainspiral chapter 5 . 3/5/2010
Maul and Beachcomber are in trouble. . .
Toki Mirage chapter 4 . 2/28/2010
:P I read another fic like this, and I really don't care who wrote it first because this is definitely unique and interesting! Looking forward to reading more. Do you ever plan on Bee figuring out that they're intelligent?
Queen of the Red Skittle chapter 4 . 2/27/2010
So, so interesting - love the refreshing way you narrate the story, and I love the fact you interchange between Bee and Sam/Mikaela's POVs.

Very interested. Can't wait for moar, but til then, take care.

phoebe turner chapter 4 . 2/22/2010
great chapter!
Rainspiral chapter 4 . 2/19/2010
lizzie chapter 4 . 2/17/2010
I simply LOVE this.

Keep it comin
ColdGoldLazarus chapter 4 . 2/16/2010
nice! can't wait for more!
Mrs. Bumblebee chapter 4 . 2/14/2010
Awesome, I love it. But what happened to Miles?
Of-Light-and-Shadow chapter 4 . 2/14/2010
Yay! you updated! Thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you!o...

Ahem... Sorry about that, had a bit to much sugar this afternoon. Great chapter, keep up the good work.
thefame chapter 4 . 2/14/2010
glad to see a new chapter.
Harm Marie chapter 4 . 2/14/2010
Liked the chapter.
MissMary chapter 4 . 2/14/2010
I'm glad you updated, as you do not disappoint- I like how you are handling the pet situation. I agree that if there is no widespread communication, finding out that mining or such was going on in Russia or Africa would not be known in the US for quite some time if ever.
jaguar69 chapter 3 . 1/31/2010
more please .
Ie-maru chapter 3 . 1/21/2010
This is a very interesting story~!

I hope to see an update soon~!
user2908637560 chapter 3 . 1/19/2010
Europeans first coming to the Americas and treating the natives as less than human

* * * Add also Americans looking that was at native Americans and at Europeans (the name Eurotrash says it all...) and at every other country in the world. USA... Superiority Complex R'Us
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