Reviews for Out of the West
Guest chapter 65 . 12/4/2024
Probably one of my favorite HP fanfiction out there.

The only sour note was the Ginny/Molly bashing.
janewaydevotee chapter 65 . 10/15/2024
This was a most glorious story. I thank you for providing me a read that provided unpredictable twists and turns. Many blessings upon you.
chuysaurus chapter 65 . 9/18/2023
this was an exceptional piece of fiction. not a crossover, but a delightful blend of truly original characters and backgrounds with the Harry Potter universe. anyone reading this review should be aware that the first chapter two may be confusing, and it's probably seven or eight chapters before you really start to run into the Harry Potter cast, but I absolutely loved so many elements of this story, and was saddened to read at the author is no longer with us.
Greg chapter 65 . 12/28/2022
I started reading this story a couple of years ago but never got around to finishing it until now, mainly because it didn't really come across as a Harry Potter story until very far into it. But having now read the whole thing, it is a very good piece of fiction. I enjoyed it.
Motherofthehorde chapter 65 . 2/14/2022
WOW ...Just wow..
Know you can't read this review...but thank you.
TorstenL chapter 65 . 9/21/2021
Good Story! *Thumps up!*
suziq968 chapter 1 . 9/26/2020
Isn't it nice that people are giving you higher review numbers so they can complain about your story description and not even read it? There are people who won't even read a story that's older if it doesn't have enough reviews and those morons have you two for nothing! I hope this story is as fun as your Remus Lupin PI but if it's not here's another free review at least.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/29/2020
Um, if the writer is too uninspired to write a summary, I'm too uninspired to bother reading the story.
Kyle chapter 1 . 5/10/2020
No summary no read.
FFFudgeUp chapter 65 . 3/18/2020
Great story. Very imaginative. Loved it.
plumbknot57 chapter 65 . 8/15/2019
Absolutely great story
Thank you
Guest chapter 65 . 8/8/2019
This was a phenomenal work of fiction. I am beyond pleased that I managed to stumble upon this.
Corwyn chapter 65 . 7/17/2019
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this with us.
Corwyn chapter 10 . 7/16/2019
1 for finding a way to convince Walberga of the rightness of Sirius' quest :-)
EvilDaveCanada chapter 8 . 4/11/2019
I have never read anything from this author before BUT he has me feeling like I'm rereading some of my late 50's/early 60's Sci-Fi novels.
Considering how those authors who published their work back then are still revered still to this day, I am giving a best of a opinion of this story as I know how.

I do not usually leave reviews as I firmly believe that if you can NOT do a particular skill then you have absolutely no right to criticize someone else who is at least trying to use that skill. I do many different handicrafts but refuse to make anything for anyone outside of direct family as even I know that what I do is functional but not made with any level of skill.

Keep writing!
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