Reviews for Dark Games & Twisted Minds
Guest chapter 28 . 10/24/2023
Not Carlisle! Wow so much heartbreak in this story. I really hope she does go after them and they destroy Victoria.
reader71360 chapter 1 . 5/22/2023
James seems very canon.
helenemc chapter 28 . 2/24/2023
Apt title for this story! I hated to see Carlisle's demise. Great writing.
debb lavoie chapter 28 . 11/30/2022
I hate Victoria, so much. James is such a sick vampire! At least Bella and Edward have each other now.
debb lavoie chapter 1 . 11/26/2022
At first I thought it was Edward. Interesting beginning.
CynMar Rom chapter 28 . 8/19/2022
Holy crap!
I usually try to avoid darker themes but I was curious and oh man!
I've said before I love your writing style, it wraps you up and you can see it in your minds eye as if it is actually happening as you read.
It was such an amazing ride.
dpennell007 chapter 28 . 8/15/2022
Well written as always, but I have to admit you shook me more than once with James' take no prisoners approach. Not that I'd expect him to have any mercy, but this one was the most evil I've ever seen. Yikes.

Edward's reaction to and love for Bella was as intense as it should be. It was a necessary reprieve from the tension of the rest of the story. And I loved your version of Alice's early history with Edward. Made perfect sense. Amazing fic all around!
Jenycullen chapter 28 . 5/14/2022
Such an amazing story, thank you! It does seem
You leave it open for a sequel, but if not, I’d like to think that Victoria eventually meets her end.
divyvicki chapter 28 . 12/27/2020
divyvicki chapter 27 . 12/27/2020
I can’t believe you killed off Carlisle!
divyvicki chapter 26 . 12/27/2020
So glad James is gone! Great fight scene.
divyvicki chapter 25 . 12/27/2020
That wasn’t very smart, Bella! Hope you didn’t kill off Carlisle!
divyvicki chapter 24 . 12/27/2020
How horrible for Alice!
divyvicki chapter 23 . 12/27/2020
Can’t wait for James to meet his demise
divyvicki chapter 22 . 12/5/2020
So much death!
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