Reviews for The Man Who Can't Be Moved
Cullen Cousin chapter 46 . 6/11/2024
Great story, job well done!
Rita01tx chapter 46 . 5/26/2024
What a wonderful HEA you gave them *sniff!* Thank you for leavin' all your stories up so we can still find them! Hope you are well and might be bitten by another plot bunny in the near future!?
Rita01tx chapter 24 . 5/24/2024
There she is *high five!*
GirlOnFire30 chapter 46 . 2/16/2024
This was such a wonderful story! I love your writing style. You have such a way with words that kept me captivated the whole time that I found it hard to stop reading. Who needs sleep anyway lol. Thank you for sharing your work with us. I will definitely check out your other stories now
CynMar Rom chapter 46 . 12/11/2023
This was such a wild ride. I did not see that final twist, but I loved how they overcame all the hardships.
Thanks for sharing!
ClaceLover08 chapter 46 . 2/12/2023
i love this story it is awesome and I love this series :) & i am happy that Bella & Edward are Married & i am happy that Bella & Edward have Two Beautiful Daughters
WordsMusicMagic chapter 46 . 2/11/2023
Thanks for writing such a sweet story. I love that Bella and Edward found a way to keep pushing through together. In so many fics they split up for one dumb reason or another and always find their way back. It's so overdone that it's almost formulaic. I'm happy to say you wrote something original and worthy of reading. Thank you!
bobbysgirl1976 chapter 46 . 2/5/2023
QueenGB chapter 45 . 11/9/2022
Good god this story still just makes me ache and laugh and cry. I love it. Thank you for keeping it here. Happy Holiday Season to come. Be well.
QueenGB chapter 19 . 11/6/2022
To this day after all the times I’ve read this great story I still don’t get how this ball played out. The studio and their PR people did this fake relationship for marketing, the fans and the press. No one in that room (insiders) needed to believe the pretend. Also Tanya got off to easy in the end if I was Edward I would have destroyed her after all he’s nothing if not thorough..
frostedglaze chapter 35 . 12/28/2021
Jane is worse than a bunion, why is Bella still tutoring her? She doesn't owe Mike anything.
frostedglaze chapter 34 . 12/28/2021
Poor celibate Charlie. Renee is just a destructive force wherever she goes. I hope he finds someone.
frostedglaze chapter 31 . 12/28/2021
I just hope the visit to Tanya doesn't backfire.
frostedglaze chapter 30 . 12/28/2021
Poor Bella. I can't believe she has to deal with all of these crazy women.
frostedglaze chapter 26 . 12/28/2021
Poor Samson. I hope Bella eventually learns to love him.
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