Reviews for 40k: ToyHammer
Cooldude101011 chapter 33 . 9/24/2024
You’d think Emp-mma wouldn’t like being called a god. I do wonder why he didn’t tell Magnus about the dangers of chaos or been a better parent in aspects that don’t relate to chaos, like not leaving Angron’s gladiator buddies to die.
Bb34 chapter 1 . 6/11/2024
gobgirl99 chapter 1 . 3/14/2024
A Fan chapter 33 . 3/10/2024
It's been ten, long, years since the last update. I miss this world.
pliotjim24 chapter 1 . 11/20/2023
damn seems i missed out on the hype train, is this still going on anywhere else?
LowlifeNolife chapter 33 . 11/13/2023
Emma. Big E. The TROLL
HorizonSniper chapter 24 . 9/17/2023
Orange skies? Oh, no...

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\ \ CRIMSON 1 \ \
Quinn Mallory chapter 20 . 8/5/2023
"Liberator"? The rightful king of France was Edward III! There was no precedent for the Salic law to require that women could not succeed to the French throne! Only the nobles who oppressed and starved the people demanded a French king! Had Isabella not been excluded solely on account of her sex, or had the French nobility not betrayed their obligations under the Treaty of Troyes, the Angevin lands could have been united, bringing peace and prosperity to the whole of western Europe. Joan was mad, and her actions were a betrayal of her gender!
Quinn Mallory chapter 5 . 8/4/2023
If the ork reproduction works as it does in universe (as you say in the next chapter it does) they are an existential threat to humanity and Earth's entire ecosystem and your MC needs to exterminate them, burn them to ashes, then burn the ashes NOW. If one ork gets out of the basement and spreads spores, exponential growth does its thing.
TexasDrifter chapter 33 . 5/29/2023
Sad that this story has been abandoned :( Such potential. I'd ask for permission to continue on with it, but my writing takes forever, and I doubt I'd be able to keep the standard you set. Best wishes out there friend!
LukeTheBatNerd chapter 29 . 3/3/2023
Wait… did the Grey Knights and Sisters of Battle find Halo? Wizard.
Jack Halloway chapter 1 . 12/12/2022
Love it
sad the story is dead

Favorites all around
Rexsnipspercabeth chapter 33 . 6/29/2022
I absolutely love this story had me rolling with laughter!
jovanni0427 chapter 7 . 6/17/2022
wait whut? I'm like 80% sure that the necrons the selfs beat the shit out of the Ctan for enslaving them, what third party are we talking about? is this just your head canon or something?
Mantha065 chapter 33 . 5/17/2022
I know I'm nearly a decade late, but...I don't suppose there's gonna be any more to this story? It was alright, if goofy and clunky at times. I'm certainly invested in the story and characters, and as unlikely as it would be, I'd love to see this story be revived.
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