Reviews for The Vulcan's Wife
Captain-KiIIy chapter 55 . 3/10/2022
a really good Amanda and Sarek Story, loved it
evelyn.chinesinha2000 chapter 55 . 2/25/2022
I loved it, can't wait to start the next story
evelyn.chinesinha2000 chapter 51 . 2/24/2022
this Sara really gets on my nerves, it's like she's still a child that needs to be taken care of and her happiness depends on someone besides herself, it seems good to me that the two stopped talking to each other
Guest chapter 2 . 8/27/2021
did she spark an interest?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/27/2021
Damn, quite embarrassing XD
Donna in TX chapter 55 . 5/10/2021
I have found your book (here) and have ended up reading it from approximately 7 pm last night until now, 10 til 8 this morning. Excellent! A good invention... a wonderful way that fits them both to a T. Well Done.

As a copy editor, I could not help but find a (very) few mistakes (missing a word, maybe 3 times in the whole thing)... IF you would like I'll send you the corrections, but they were only seen because I can't help myself when I read anything.

Thank you for writing this! (And having lost a child at 2 years old, I can say you hit the emotions squarely in their center. It was beautifully and truthfully told. Thank you for that also.)
Gloria47 chapter 13 . 2/3/2021
So adorable the way Sarek researches kissing. Perfect story line. Loving it!
Gloria47 chapter 5 . 2/3/2021
Nice change of pace in the story here.
Cindy chapter 55 . 11/30/2020
I just reread this a second time loved it even more Kudos again
spocksillogic13 chapter 25 . 8/4/2020
Ooo cute, sexy and angsty. kind of sad you didn't put the bedroom scene in. But a great story.
splodee chapter 55 . 1/1/2020
Such a intense, compelling story. Very well written and enjoyable.
tanseynz chapter 55 . 7/1/2019
I cannot believe I’ve never commented, given I favourited this years ago. Yet another read and enjoy - it’s one of just a handful I return to in the knowledge I will enjoy plus discover new bits I previously overlooked. Great story indeed.
Cindy chapter 55 . 3/29/2019
This story was the best ever I fell asleep reading it at times I loved the way Amanda and Sarek charters played out the way you kept her human and him Vulcan . Then the where are you day compromise for each other please keep writing awesome stories like this
Guest chapter 55 . 12/31/2018
So good
carriemcmvintage chapter 2 . 2/5/2018
I can not understand why they need so many different PADDS in the future when you know that store so much data even now.?!
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