Reviews for Ladder to the Sun
Patriciadiane chapter 10 . 9/4/2021
Wow, did not expect a proposal.
Patriciadiane chapter 9 . 9/4/2021
I wish Edward had stayed but he obviously is aware of the talk. The dress I can't wait to see it.
Patriciadiane chapter 8 . 9/4/2021
I want a miracle, or a mistake on part of the doctor, a misdiagnosis, wrong. test results or whatever we need so she lives. I'm foggy if Edward knows. Both her mother and father are so selfish. Rose too.
Pattigirl23 chapter 1 . 7/28/2021
This was a really beautiful story! You are an amazing writer and you've made me feel all the emotions. Thank you for sharing with us this amazing story.
Guest chapter 18 . 10/23/2020
Hi there
Just wanted to let you know that I read this story almost 10 years ago, and I still think about it. I'm rereading it now for the 15th time, and it's just as good as when I first read it. It's genuinely fucking beautiful. I recommend it to everyone. Thank you for writing this.
Much love,
V ️
Alina Nyx chapter 22 . 10/5/2020
That's it? Wow.
MissWM chapter 22 . 9/18/2020
this was a really sad, but sweet, story. i enjoyed it way too much. but i also cried a lot. the whole misdiagnosis thing was a bit predictable, as well as edward being foster, but you made it perfect. their cabin in the woods was indeed like heavan. it all fit the story very very well. thanks for sharing :)
Schwips chapter 22 . 8/11/2020
Thank you, great story!
Kiki68 chapter 22 . 7/21/2020
Loved this story. I had chosen not to read it many times because I'm just a sucker for HEA. I'm glad I put that aside and read this. I love the characters you created (Edward and his bike) and really enjoyed the way you told this story.
Bella's change from not really living to find someone wanting to live for was heartbreaking.
ImYours1901 chapter 21 . 7/20/2020
I'm reviewing this chapter because it seems I have already read and reviewed this story? anyways - omggggggggg! I don't even have the words. I'm glad you never did an epov because I don't like things unravelling too fast.
this was just perfect, every little bit of it.
Guest chapter 22 . 5/29/2020
I spent hours looking for this fic because it suddenly popped up in my mind before I went to bed! THIS IS AMAZING. WISH YOU’D WRITE MORE STORIES.
boopgirl chapter 22 . 5/28/2020
Loved it
LittleBlueFeather chapter 13 . 4/7/2020
Chapter 13 was so beautifully written. You made me cry (in a good way) during the meteor shower scene
Gemm13 chapter 20 . 3/10/2020
thank you!
MariahajilE chapter 1 . 2/23/2020
Congratulations! You've been nominated in the 2019 TwiFic Fandom Awards!

The full lists of nominees are available on the site.

Round 1 polls will open Sunday, February 23rd, and close Sunday, March 1st, at 11:59 pm EST. Round 1 results will be revealed on Saturday, March 7th. Round 2 polls will then open the next day, March 8th, and close March 15th at 11:59 pm EST.

Banners will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, with 1st place winners also receiving a blinkie. All winners and the recipients of the Fandom Achievement Award will be announced March 29th.

Good luck!

Host, Organizer
TwiFic Fandom Awards
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