Reviews for Ladder to the Sun
canadianclaire chapter 22 . 1/17/2020
I always loved LM Montgomery’s story and you have given it such a beautiful and truthful modern rewrite Thank you so much for sharing this gem!
lovrobsten chapter 6 . 10/15/2019
Ok... only reviewing because you asked nicely at the end on the chapter... lol. Well the reality is that I am horrible when it comes to review and I apologize. I just don’t know much what to say to authors. 1st I’m shocked that I’ve only heard about this story now, years after you wrote. It so deserves to be more known and read. I had a hard time connecting to Bella in the beginning but I’m loving her character development and I just love how sweet Edward is. From this chapter I guess he is Foster and I’m wondering if he will ever tell her and also how devastating he will be when she passes. I hope she ends up telling her loved ones that she is sick. I can not imagined how hurtful they would be to realize not to treasure their time together but on the other hand would be a cloud hanging over their heads.

Just realized I’m comparing losing my brother and not being able to go to the funeral. At the beginning I felt so hurt and guilty for not being able to pay my respects and say a final goodbye. A few years after I found a picture of our last goodbye hug before I left home. It was a blessing. I have registered our last hug to look at anything I miss him. Didn’t hurt to see that picture and now on the contrary I prefer not to have the memory of his funeral. In a strange way I miss him with love instead of hurt as if he is taking a long trip and we will see each other again someday and I don’t mean on a celestial kinda way although I do believe that too. Sorry, I’m humbling. See, I don’t know how to write reviews.
Messy Bronze Hair chapter 22 . 10/1/2019
Wow, this was amazing. I have come across your story plenty of times through my time at FanFiction and have unfortunately always avoided it. Because I don’t like reading about characters death. And in this case it is pretty spelled out that Bella has a year to live.

But I have read a lot of stories and most of the good stories, so there isn’t much left. So I took a chance and decided to read Ladder to the Sun. And boy, I’m I happy that I did. Cause this has to be one of the best and heart touching story I have ever read. And I wish it was longer. I really didn’t want it to end.

I think after a while it’s pretty obvious that Bella won’t die. Since her condition isn’t really getting worse, her attack’s are. So after a few chapters I started to think that after a while it will probably be revealed that the doctor either misdiagnosed Bella, the tumor was benign or there was some cure. Cause there was no way in hell that Bella would die. And thank God that was what happened. It was just a misdiagnosis.

And the whole thing about Edward's secret was so unexpected. I honestly thought like everyone else that he was hiding something bad or that he was making something for Bella in the shelter that was some kind of a surprise. But I would never have thought that he was a singer. So good work on that one!

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us and hopefully you will keep sharing other stories!

Messy Bronze Hair
soccermom101113 chapter 22 . 8/13/2019
Excellent story! Thanks for sharing!
divyvicki chapter 22 . 6/21/2019
Did she send her book off to be published?
divyvicki chapter 21 . 6/21/2019
divyvicki chapter 20 . 6/21/2019
Loved this chapter!
divyvicki chapter 19 . 6/21/2019
I loved this chapter
divyvicki chapter 18 . 6/4/2019
Personally I’m glad that Bella is going to live.
divyvicki chapter 17 . 6/4/2019
Glad she reconciled with Rose!
divyvicki chapter 16 . 6/3/2019
That was a rough one!
divyvicki chapter 15 . 5/21/2019
What a wonderful Christmas!
divyvicki chapter 14 . 5/21/2019
What a wonderful chapter!
lemonangeljuice chapter 22 . 5/10/2019
I am also reading stories from the Trivia list for TFMU St Louis. Thank you!
divyvicki chapter 12 . 5/9/2019
I love non descriptive lemons!
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